Imagine the following history:

       c---e---g--- feature
      /         \
-a---b---d---f---h--- master

How can I find when commit "c" has been merged into master (ie, find merge commit "h") ?

14 Answers 14


Add this to your ~/.gitconfig:

    find-merge = "!sh -c 'commit=$0 && branch=${1:-HEAD} && (git rev-list $commit..$branch --ancestry-path | cat -n; git rev-list $commit..$branch --first-parent | cat -n) | sort -k2 -s | uniq -f1 -d | sort -n | tail -1 | cut -f2'"
    show-merge = "!sh -c 'merge=$(git find-merge $0 $1) && [ -n \"$merge\" ] && git show $merge'"

Then you can use the aliases like this:

# current branch
git find-merge <SHA-1>
# specify master
git find-merge <SHA-1> master

To see the merge commit's message and other details, use git show-merge with the same arguments.

(Based on Gauthier's answer. Thanks to Rosen Matev and javabrett for correcting a problem with sort.)

  • 1
    Beware that sort -k2 | uniq -f1 -d | sort -n | tail -1 | cut -f2 is not finding correctly the last row in common. Here's an example where it fails. Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 13:28
  • 1
    @RosenMatev It finds 16db9fef5c581ab0c56137d04ef08ef1bf82b0b7 here when I run it on your paste, is that not expected? What OS are you on?
    – robinst
    Commented Jan 9, 2017 at 23:56
  • 1
    @robinst, yours is correct. I've got "(GNU coreutils) 8.4" and for me it finds 29c40c3a3b33196d4e79793bd8e503a03753bad1 Commented Jan 11, 2017 at 8:28
  • 2
    @robinst The problem is caused by the first sort (-k2) applying a byte-based tiebreaker, not preserving the input-order when the second field (commit-hash) is equal. This behaviour can be halted in a number of ways: the -s|--stable switch does this - if you add it to the sort for @RosenMatev's paste, it will sort as-expected i.e. result is 16db9fef5c581ab0c56137d04ef08ef1bf82b0b7 not 29c40c3a3b33196d4e79793bd8e503a03753bad1. This result could also be achieved by changing that sort to sort -k2,2 -k1,1n. Which is correct - original cat+cat order, or sorted numerically?
    – javabrett
    Commented May 11, 2017 at 5:55
  • 3
    @powlo: Nothing, it's just one command instead of two for convenience.
    – robinst
    Commented Apr 19, 2018 at 1:56

Your example shows that the branch feature is still available.

In that case h is the last result of:

git log master ^feature --ancestry-path

If the branch feature is not available anymore, you can show the merge commits in the history line between c and master:

git log <SHA-1_for_c>..master --ancestry-path --merges

This will however also show all the merges that happened after h, and between e and g on feature.

Comparing the result of the following commands:

git rev-list <SHA-1_for_c>..master --ancestry-path

git rev-list <SHA-1_for_c>..master --first-parent

will give you the SHA-1 of h as the last row in common.

If you have it available, you can use comm -1 -2 on these results. If you are on msysgit, you can use the following perl code to compare:

perl -ne 'print if ($seen{$_} .= @ARGV) =~ /10$/'  file1 file2

(perl code from http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/command-to-display-lines-common-in-files/ , which took it from "someone at comp.unix.shell news group").

See process substitution if you want to make it a one-liner.

  • 5
    Even if you have comm, you can't use it because the output of the "git rev-list" command is not sorted lexicographically. You could of course sort the output of each command before looking for common lines, but then the desired commit would not necessarily be the last one. So I think something like the perl command (though obscure) is necessary.
    – mhagger
    Commented Jan 22, 2013 at 12:34
  • 17
    I just wrote a script git-when-merged that implements this suggestion (with quite a few other features). See github.com/mhagger/git-when-merged
    – mhagger
    Commented Feb 3, 2013 at 8:07
  • 3
    Suppose at some point master was merged into feature, then immediately feature is merged into master as a fast-forward (tip of feature replaces master). Would that cause --first-parent to return the wrong parent?
    – Kelvin
    Commented Jul 9, 2013 at 17:54
  • 5
    I tried comm -1 -2 but it didn't work. comm only works on sorted lines. (The perl one-liner works, although I couldn't read it.)
    – Domon
    Commented Nov 20, 2013 at 2:15
  • 3
    I'm usually only interested in the first merge. If I do: git log <SHA-1_for_c>..master --ancestry-path --merges --oneline | tail -1 so far, I always get the answer I'm looking for. Under what condition might that not work?
    – TTT
    Commented Apr 13, 2021 at 19:25

git-get-merge will locate and show the merge commit you're looking for:

pip install git-get-merge
git get-merge <SHA-1>

The command follows the children of the given commit until a merge into another branch (presumably master) is found.

  • 1
    Didn't work for me, seems to expect a "master" branch where we don't have one
    – s29
    Commented Feb 3, 2022 at 2:45
  • @s29 Branch can be passed as the 2nd argument: git get-merge <SHA-1> origin/master
    – phd
    Commented Feb 10, 2023 at 15:47

That is, to summarize Gauthier's post:

perl -ne 'print if ($seen{$_} .= @ARGV) =~ /10$/' <(git rev-list --ancestry-path <SHA-1_for_c>..master) <(git rev-list --first-parent <SHA-1_for_c>..master) | tail -n 1

EDIT: because this uses process substitution "<()", it is not POSIX compatible, and it may not work with your shell. It works with bash or zsh though.

  • 4
    I don't often copy/paste code from the internet, but when I do it works perfectly! Thanks Totor for allowing me not to think.
    – Ben
    Commented Jan 11, 2013 at 3:22
  • 2
    @TheodoreR.Smith unfortunately, the syntax <() is not POSIX compatible. You need to use bash, zsh or a shell supporting process substitution. I edited my answer accordingly.
    – Totor
    Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 12:52
  • 1
    Didn't work for me. I think my feature branch first got merged to another branch before it got merged to master. That could explain why your commands results in "Merge branch 'release_branch'" rather than "Merge branch 'feature_branch'". Commented Sep 20, 2016 at 13:02

I needed to do this, and somehow found git-when-merged (which actually references this SO question, but Michael Haggerty never added a reference to his very nice Python script here). So now I have.

  • I actually came to this question from his page.
    – Flavius
    Commented Mar 18, 2015 at 9:19

Building on Gauthier's great answer, we don't need to use comm to compare the lists. Since we're looking for the last result in --ancestry-path which is also in --first-parent, we can simply grep for the latter in the output of the former:

git rev-list <SHA>..master --ancestry-path | grep -f <(git rev-list <SHA>..master --first-parent) | tail -1

Or for something snappy and reusable, here's a function to pop into .bashrc:

function git-find-merge() {
  git rev-list $1..master --ancestry-path | grep -f <(git rev-list $1..master --first-parent) | tail -1
  • This worked for me. comm did not work when the inputs were not sorted.
    – hIpPy
    Commented Apr 19, 2017 at 8:41
git log --topo-order

Then look for the first merge before the commit.

  • Thanks. This is a lot simpler than any of the other (much older) answers! Commented Feb 8, 2021 at 19:24

For the Ruby crowd, there's git-whence. Very easy.

$ gem install git-whence
$ git whence 1234567
234557 Merge pull request #203 from branch/pathway

I use below bash script which I place at path ~/bin/git-find-merge. It's based on Gauthier's answer and evilstreak's answer with few tweaks to handle corner cases. comm throws when the inputs are not sorted. grep -f works perfectly.

Corner cases:

  • If commit is a merge commit on first-parent path of branch, then return commit.
  • If commit is a NON-merge commit on first-parent path of branch, then return branch. It's either a ff merge or commit is only on branch and there is not a good way to figure out the right commit.
  • If commit and branch are same, then return commit.

~/bin/git-find-merge script:


if [ -z $commit ]; then
    echo 1>&2 "fatal: commit is required"
    exit 1
commit=$(git rev-parse $commit)

# if branch points to commit (both are same), then return commit
if [ $commit == $(git rev-parse $branch) ]; then
    git log -1 $commit

# if commit is a merge commit on first-parent path of branch,
# then return commit
# if commit is a NON-merge commit on first-parent path of branch,
# then return branch as it's either a ff merge or commit is only on branch
# and there is not a good way to figure out the right commit
if [[ $(git log --first-parent --pretty='%P' $commit..$branch | \
    cut -d' ' -f1 | \
    grep $commit | wc -l) -eq 1 ]]; then
    if [ $(git show -s --format="%P" $commit | wc -w) -gt 1 ]; then
        # if commit is a merge commit
        git log -1 $commit
        # if commit is a NON-merge commit
        echo 1>&2 ""
        echo 1>&2 "error: returning the branch commit (ff merge or commit only on branch)"
        echo 1>&2 ""
        git log -1 $branch

# 1st common commit from bottom of first-parent and ancestry-path
merge=$(grep -f \
    <(git rev-list --first-parent  $commit..$branch) \
    <(git rev-list --ancestry-path $commit..$branch) \
        | tail -1)
if [ ! -z $merge ]; then
    git log -1 $merge

# merge commit not found
echo 1>&2 "fatal: no merge commit found"
exit 1

Which lets me do this:

$ git find-merge <commit>    # to find when commit merged to current branch
$ git find-merge <branch>    # to find when branch merged to current branch
$ git find-merge <commit> pu # to find when commit merged to pu branch

This script is also available on my github.


My ruby version of @robinst's idea, works twice faster (which is important when searching for very old commit).


commit = ARGV[0]
master = ARGV[1] || 'origin/master'

unless commit
  puts "Usage: find-commit.rb commit [master-branch]"
  puts "Will show commit that merged <commit> into <master-branch>"
  exit 1

parents = `git rev-list #{commit}..#{master} --reverse --first-parent --merges`.split("\n")
ancestry = `git rev-list #{commit}..#{master} --reverse --ancestry-path --merges`.split("\n")
merge = (parents & ancestry)[0]

if merge
  system "git show #{merge}"
  puts "#{master} doesn't include #{commit}"
  exit 2

You can just use it like this:

ruby find-commit.rb SHA master

This is the best way to find the commit in master:

    find-merge = !"f() { git rev-list $1..master --ancestry-path --merges --reverse | head -1; }; f"
  • Or simply find-merge = !"f() { git rev-list $1..master --ancestry-path --merges | tail -1; }; f". Commented Nov 12, 2021 at 7:18

You can try something like this. The idea is to iterate through all merge commit and see if the commit "c" is reachable from one of them:

$ git log --merges --format='%h' master | while read mergecommit; do
  if git log --format='%h' $mergecommit|grep -q $c; then
    echo $mergecommit;
  • This is same as: git rev-list <SHA-1_for_c>..master --ancestry-path --merges Commented Oct 29, 2016 at 14:06

I've had to do this several times (thanks to everyone that answered this question!), and ended up writing a script (using Gauthier's method) that I could add to my little collection of git utilities. You can find it here: https://github.com/mwoehlke/git-utils/blob/master/bin/git-merge-point.


A graphical solution is to find it in gitk (using the “SHA1 ID” box) and follow the line of commits up to the merge commit.

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