Trying to find a way to clean up some of my code.

So, I have something like this in my Python code:

company = None
country = None

person = Person.find(id=12345)
if person is not None: # found        
    company = Company.find(person.companyId)

    if company is not None:
         country = Country.find(company.countryId)

return (person, company, country)

Having read a tutorial on Haskell's monads (in particular Maybe), I was wondering if it's possible to write it in another way.


8 Answers 8

company = country = None
    person  =  Person.find(id=12345)
    company = Company.find(person.companyId)
    country = Country.find(company.countryId)
except AttributeError:
    pass # `person` or `company` might be None


  • 8
    This is unequivocally the correct answer for this specific case. The entire purpose of Maybe as a monad is to model the EAFP approach explicitly as a first-class entity. In Python, it's both implicit and idiomatic in this form, so use it! Dec 14, 2011 at 16:27
  • 3
    @drozzy: If you need to conditionally execute different pieces of code depending on which variables are None, then self-evidently you need conditionals.
    – Katriel
    Dec 14, 2011 at 19:55
  • 3
    Why is Person.find inside the try except block?
    – Neil G
    Dec 15, 2011 at 11:37
  • 31
    The problem with using exceptions (EAFP) is that you cannot distinguish between errors (function call cannot complete) and empty result (function call completed correctly and returned nothing). The word "exception" means "something that normally should not happen" (probably an error). Using exceptions to model the normal flow of control is misleading. Maybe it would be less bad if they were called throwables.
    – Giorgio
    Jan 7, 2015 at 0:15
  • 4
    @Giorgio: good point about AttributeError catching too much (though normally, it would indicate a bug in the code if AttributeError is raised unintentionally). There is a precedent in Python to use exceptions for control flow: StopIteration is used to stop a for-loop, GeneratorExit for generator.close(), even sys.exit() is just SystemExit exception. Without AttributeError it looks less elegant.
    – jfs
    Apr 17, 2015 at 10:43

Exploit the short-circuit behavior and that a custom object is true by default and None is false:

person  = Person.find(id=12345)
company = person and person.company
country = company and company.country

Python does not have a particularly nice syntax for monads. That being said, if you want to limit yourself to using something like the Maybe monad (Meaning that you'll only be able to use Maybe; you won't be able to make generic functions that deal with any monad), you can use the following approach:

class Maybe():
    def andThen(self, action): # equivalent to Haskell's >>=
        if self.__class__ == _Maybe__Nothing:
            return Nothing
        elif self.__class__ == Just:
            return action(self.value)

    def followedBy(self, action): # equivalent to Haskell's >>
        return self.andThen(lambda _: action)

class _Maybe__Nothing(Maybe):
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Nothing"

Nothing = _Maybe__Nothing()

class Just(Maybe):
    def __init__(self, v):
        self.value = v
    def __repr__(self):
        return "Just(%r)" % self.value

Then, make all of the methods that currently return None return either Just(value) or Nothing instead. This allows you to write this code:

    .andThen(lambda person: Company.find(person.companyId))
    .andThen(lambda company: Country.find(company.countryId))

You can of course adapt the lambdas to store the intermediate results in variables; it's up to you how to do that properly.

  • Also, another problem I ran into here, is that I don't get the "intermediate" values - like "person", and "company" in the end. This only gives me a Maybe of country. Dec 14, 2011 at 16:05
  • If you want to get all the results, you have to wrap your lambdas like this: Person.find(id=12345).andThen(lambda person: Company.find(person.companyId).andThen(lambda company: Country.find(company.countryId).andThen(lambda country: Just((person, company, country))))). Note the ridiculous amount of parens; they can't be avoided if you want to program in a functional style like this.
    – dflemstr
    Dec 14, 2011 at 16:10
  • @dflemstr So the last "andThen" is essentially there just to return the result? Interesting. Dec 14, 2011 at 18:44

Have you checked PyMonad ?


It not only includes a Maybe monad, but also a list monad, a Functor and Applicative functor classes. Monoids and more.

In your case it would be something like:

country = Person.find(id=12345)          >> (lambda person: 
          Company.find(person.companyId) >> (lambda company: 

Easier to understand and cleaner than EAFP.


I think this is a perfect situation for getattr(object, name[, default]):

person  = Person.find(id=12345)
company = getattr(person, 'company', None)
country = getattr(company, 'country', None)
person = Person.find(id=12345)
company = None if person is None else Company.find(person.companyId)
country = None if company is None else Country.find(company.countryId)

return (person, company, country)
  • 8
    I'd actually write that the other way round company = Company.find(person.companyID) if person else None. It removes the is None and the normal case is first, rather than the exceptional one.
    – Paul S
    Mar 5, 2014 at 13:24
  • @PaulS your expression is not particularly explicit about the intention behind the check. Moreover, if person is checking if bool(person) == False, which is far less specific than if person is None. Nov 20, 2019 at 16:21
  • I'd still write company = Company.find(person.companyId) if person is not None else None, putting the less exceptional case upfront.
    – chepner
    Mar 10, 2023 at 14:01

More "Pythonic" than trying to implement a different paradigm (not that it is not interesting and cool) would be to add intelligence to your objects so that they can find their attributes (and whether they exist at all), by themselves.

Bellow is an example of a base class that uses your "find" method and the correlation of the Id attribute names and class names to work with your example - I put in minimal Person and Company classes for a search for the company to work:

class Base(object):
    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        if hasattr(self, attr + "Id"):
            return globals()[attr.title()].find(getattr(self, attr + "Id"))
        return None
    def find(cls, id):
        return "id %d " % id

class Person(Base):

class Company(Base):

And on the console, after pasting the code above:

>>> p = Person()
>>> p.company
'id 5 '

With this Base your code above could just be:

person = Person.find(id=12345)
company = person.company
country = company and company.country
  • Hm... I think you misunderstood me. Find is actually supposed to return a "Person" object, with attributes like "firstName, lastName" etc... It's not supposed to just return the id. Or maybe I am missing the point? Dec 14, 2011 at 18:46
  • I did understand you - it is just my implementation of findthat returns the string, to differeniate it from the id number (hardcoded as 5) - what is new here is the __getattr__- you would keep the exact same find method you have now.
    – jsbueno
    Dec 15, 2011 at 14:02
  • Sorry, but I have no idea what this line does: globals()[attr.title()].find(getattr(self, attr + "Id")) Dec 15, 2011 at 14:10
  • @drozzy: it converts person.company into Person.find(person.companyId). Your actual issue person is None is not addressed. company is None is addressed using the and operator's short-circuit behavior as in my answer
    – jfs
    Sep 19, 2015 at 0:44

haskell's Maybe analog in python is typing.Optional, but sadly, it is not the same thing.
For more info, see
How should I use the Optional type hint?

Building chain with typing.Optional can be like this:

    from typing import Callable, Optional

    # some imported func, can't change definition
    def Div3(x: int) -> Optional[int]:
        print(f"-- {x} --", end= "      ->     ")
        return None if x%3!=0 else x//3

    # `bind` function
    # No Type Vars in python, so can't specify  Callable[ T, Optional[S]] -> Callable[ Optional[T], Optional[S]]
    def Optionalize( function:  Callable[ any, Optional[any]] ) -> Callable[ Optional[any], Optional[any]]:
        def _binded( x ):
            return None if x is None else function(x)
        return _binded

    def Div2(x: int) -> Optional[int]:
        print(f"-- {x} --", end= "      ->     ")
        return None if x%2!=0 else x//2

    OpD3 = Optionalize( Div3 )

    # we not wrap this one 
    def SPQRT(x: int) -> Optional[int]:
        print(f"-=^\\ {x} /^=-", end= "     ->     ")
        return None if x<0 else x**2

    print(                  SPQRT  (20) )
    print(                  SPQRT  (-1) )
    print(         Div2(    SPQRT  (20)) )   # Haskell would swear here
    print(         OpD3  (  SPQRT  (-1)) )
    print( Div2( Div2( Div2( Div2 ((-1)))))) # Only one set of wings printed (but Haskell would swear here too)
    print(         Div3(    SPQRT  (-1)) )   # TypeError at last


    -=^\ 20 /^=-     ->     400
    -=^\ -1 /^=-     ->     None
    -=^\ 20 /^=-     ->     -- 400 --      ->     200
    -=^\ -1 /^=-     ->     None
    -- -1 --      ->     None
    -=^\ -1 /^=-     ->     -- None --      ->     
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for %: 'NoneType' and 'int'


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