The repository is owned by user root, and group dev

Another user is running hg update on the repository and getting the following messages:

Not trusting file /dev/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user root, group dev
Not trusting file .hg/hgrc from untrusted user root, group dev
Not trusting file /dev/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user root, group dev
Not trusting file /dev/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user root, group dev
abort: Permission denied: /dev/src/backend/java/com/tt/afr/schedule/service/ScheduleComparator.java

In /etc/mercurial/hgrc, we have:


In the home directory of user running hg update, we have this hgrc file:

users = root
groups = dev

User is connecting to server using ssh and running the commands.

What can we do to fix this?

  • 1
    You do know that /dev is used for other things, right?
    – cbz
    Commented Dec 16, 2011 at 14:56
  • 1
    It's not actually dev, it's our app name, i only changed it in the question. Silly of me to forget that dev is used for other things.
    – HyderA
    Commented Dec 16, 2011 at 16:14

4 Answers 4


Please read the help on trust in Mercurial and make sure that you've added the trust settings on the server. When you connect over SSH, it does not matter who you trust or don't trust locally — it's the hg binary that you run on the server (via the SSH tunnel) that needs to trust the config file.

Also note that you need to put

users = root

in the /etc/mercurial/hgrc file on the server. The section.key = name syntax we use when talking about configuration settings only work on the command line.

  • From the article you linked: Set trusted.users=root in /etc/mercurial/hgrc, and then have your repository's hgrc owned by root.
    – HyderA
    Commented Dec 16, 2011 at 16:15
  • Yes, but understand that foo.bar=baz is what you use on the command line with --config, in a configuration file you need to use normal ini-file syntax: [foo] bar = baz instead. Commented Dec 20, 2011 at 9:30
  • I've just updated the wiki page to use the right syntax for the config file, I hope that helps! Commented Dec 20, 2011 at 9:35
  • You're right, that worked. Silly of me to think hgrc files would have different syntaxes(syntice?) at different locations.
    – HyderA
    Commented Dec 20, 2011 at 11:04
  • 1
    No problem! I can see why the wiki page was confusing, so I fixed the page :-) Commented Dec 20, 2011 at 11:07

For everybody else who has added this solution to their /repo/.hg/hgrc and nothing happened, this solution worked for me: https://j.ee.washington.edu/trac/gmtk/ticket/33

Add in /etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/trust.rc

groups = yourgroup
users = youruser

Essentially, writing permissions to /repo/.hg/hgrc will not work, because the file itself is owned by an untrusted user.

  • Your solution is very useful for OpenBSD. There is a special path /etc/mercurial/hgrc.d and file /etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/openbsd-security.rc.
    – Anabar
    Commented Oct 21, 2021 at 9:34

Based on the answer by DustWolf, this works on Ubuntu under WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) using a Windows drive letter share mounted using Microsoft's WSL drvfs file system driver, i.e., hg running locally on a shared drive.

not trusting file /mnt/x/repo/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user root, group root
Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 5.3.1)
(see https://mercurial-scm.org for more information)

Copyright (C) 2005-2020 Matt Mackall and others
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

Create trust.rc on the WSL machine:

sudo touch /etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/trust.rc
sudo nano /etc/mercurial/hgrc.d/trust.rc


groups = root
users = root

Save trust.rc and hg should now trust the repo hgrc as WSL's drvfs driver mounts the share as root:root.


Not your case, but might be worth a hint:

I had this error in a local container that was setup to migrate repos from hg to GitLab. Solved it by just by changing the ownership of the .hg directory in the downloaded hg's repository folder to root user/group:

chown -R root:root .hg

And the message not trusting file /data/hg-repo/.hg/hgrc from untrusted user 1000, group 1000 was gone.

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