Some JSON data services on the Internet are designed to be consumed only by servers and neglect the possibility of being consumed directly by a web-only app.

Due to cross-site concerns, such services would work if they either provided a JSONP format or enabled CORS support.

I want to make a little JavaScript tool that can call an online resource that only returns JSON and not , and does not support .

One example case was a single-page app I was making for which the only data source I could find didn't provide CORS or JSONP. Being a single-page app, it had no server of its own so was subject to the same-origin policy.

What strategies are available in such cases?

1 Answer 1


**One way is to find a proxy that can access a JSON data source and then serve it to your web app transformed to work with JSON, CORS, or any other format that you can handle without worrying about cross-site concerns.

One such proxy is Yahoo's "YQL".

YQL supports both JSONP and CORS.

So if your browser also supports CORS you can think of it as a free JSON to JSON proxy server. If not, then it is also a free JSON to JSONP proxy:

Here's an example of how I used it with jQuery:

    q:      "select * from json where url=\"http://airportcode.riobard.com/airport/" + code + "?fmt=JSON\"",
    callback: gotJSON, // you don't even need this line if your browser supports CORS
    format: "json"
    if (data.query.results) {
      /* do something with
    } else {
      /* no info for this code */

And a version on jsfiddle...

  • How would that work? You are violating the same-origin policy and the call would fail. Wouldn't you need to be making some sort of JSONP call to YQL?
    – Andrew Mao
    Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 0:16
  • 1
    Not at all because YQL supports CORS, which is a much better alternative to JSONP since it uses the same XHR interface rather than the script-injection method which has some drawbacks. YQL also supports JSONP if you need it though. I'll update my answer. Commented Sep 13, 2012 at 16:00
  • 1
    Cool beans! I didn't even realize that was a CORS call. I was struggling to figure out how to make a JSONP call to YQL, and it turns out I didn't even have to. Sweet!
    – Andrew Mao
    Commented Sep 14, 2012 at 17:02
  • 2
    jsonp.jit.su is magic ! "Enables cross-domain requests to any JSON API." And it's on Github github.com/afeld/jsonp
    – Joël
    Commented May 14, 2014 at 18:54
  • 2
    Here is a list of cors proxies
    – Endless
    Commented May 7, 2017 at 11:37

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