So let's assume this is what i want to achieve:


Not sure if using XElement is the simplest way
but this is what I have so far:

 XElement x = new XElement("root",
                  new XElement("name", "AAA"),
                  new XElement("last", "BBB"));

Now I have to add the "children" based on some data i have.
There could be 1,2,3,4 ...

so I need to iterate thru my list to get every single child

foreach (Children c in family)
    x.Add(new XElement("child", 
              new XElement("name", "XXX"),
              new XElement("last", "TTT")); 


Doing this way I will be missing the "CHILDREN Parent node". If I just add it before the foreach, it will be rendered as a closed node


and that's NOT what we want.


How can I add to the 1st part a parent node and as many as my list has?

3 Answers 3


Try this:

var x = new XElement("root",
             new XElement("name", "AAA"),
             new XElement("last", "BBB"),
             new XElement("children",
                 from c in family
                 select new XElement("child",
                             new XElement("name", "XXX"),
                             new XElement("last", "TTT")
 XElement root = new XElement("root",
                  new XElement("name", "AAA"),
                  new XElement("last", "BBB"));

XElement children = new XElement("children");

foreach (Children c in family)
    children.Add(new XElement("child", 
              new XElement("name", c.Name),
              new XElement("last", c.Last)); 
var children = new XElement("children");
XElement x = new XElement("root",
                  new XElement("name", "AAA"),
                  new XElement("last", "BBB"),

foreach (Children c in family)
    children.Add(new XElement("child", 
              new XElement("name", "XXX"),
              new XElement("last", "TTT")); 

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