Is it possible: to have one field in class, but different names for it during serialization/deserialization in Jackson library?

For example, I have class "Coordiantes".

class Coordinates{
  int red;

For deserialization from JSON want to have format like this:


But when I will serialize object, result should be like this one:


I tried to implement this by applying @JsonProperty annotation both on getter and setter (with different values):

class Coordiantes{
    int red;

    public byte getRed() {
      return red;

    public void setRed(byte red) {
      this.red = red;

but I got an exception:

org.codehaus.jackson.map.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "red"

14 Answers 14


Just tested and this works:

public class Coordinates {
    byte red;

    public byte getR() {
      return red;

    public void setRed(byte red) {
      this.red = red;

The idea is that method names should be different, so jackson parses it as different fields, not as one field.

Here is test code:

Coordinates c = new Coordinates();
c.setRed((byte) 5);

ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
System.out.println("Serialization: " + mapper.writeValueAsString(c));

Coordinates r = mapper.readValue("{\"red\":25}",Coordinates.class);
System.out.println("Deserialization: " + r.getR());


Serialization: {"r":5}
Deserialization: 25
  • is the same possible with jaxb? Commented Mar 22, 2014 at 7:16
  • Will this work for Enums?
    – jbuddy
    Commented Dec 2, 2021 at 10:52

You can use @JsonAlias which got introduced in Jackson 2.9.0


public class Info {
  @JsonAlias({ "red", "rouge" })
  public String r;

This uses r during serialization, but allows red or rouge as an alias during deserialization. This still allows r to be deserialized as well, though.

  • 8
    @XaeroDegreaz I guess @Asura means, that you can use r as primary name, but red for the @JsonAlias, which allows to serialize it to r, but adds red to be recognized on deserialization. Annotating it with @JsonProperty("r") and additionally @JsonAlias("red") should work fine for the given problem.
    – Jerrot
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 15:21

You can use a combination of @JsonSetter, and @JsonGetter to control the deserialization, and serialization of your property, respectively. This will also allow you to keep standardized getter and setter method names that correspond to your actual field name.

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSetter;    
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonGetter;

class Coordinates {
    private int red;

    //# Used during serialization
    public int getRed() {
        return red;

    //# Used during deserialization
    public void setRed(int red) {
        this.red = red;

Edit: Updated the documentation links, as the fasterxml GitHub pages are now returning 404.


I would bind two different getters/setters pair to one variable:

class Coordinates{
    int red;

    public byte getRed() {
      return red;

    public void setRed(byte red) {
      this.red = red;

    public byte getR() {
      return red;

    public void setR(byte red) {
      this.red = red;
  • 16
    But in this case, during serialization, we will get both properties: "r" and "red", with same values.
    – kiRach
    Commented Dec 19, 2011 at 11:24
  • @JsonIgnore on the methods you dont want processed will fix that issue
    – Stephan
    Commented Jul 24, 2020 at 17:51
  • There are nowadays more convenient annotations: @JsonGetter and @JsonSetter. So one can exactly set how serializer will behave.
    – DRCB
    Commented Jul 25, 2020 at 21:26

You can use this variant:

import lombok.Getter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonGetter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;


@JsonProperty(value = "rr") // for deserialization
@Getter(onMethod_ = {@JsonGetter(value = "r")}) // for serialization
private String rrrr;

with Lombok getter


It's possible to have normal getter/setter pair. You just need to specify access mode in @JsonProperty

Here is unit test for that:

public class JsonPropertyTest {

  private static class TestJackson {

    private String color;

    @JsonProperty(value = "device_color", access = JsonProperty.Access.READ_ONLY)
    public String getColor() {
      return color;

    @JsonProperty(value = "color", access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY)
    public void setColor(String color) {
      this.color = color;


  public void shouldParseWithAccessModeSpecified() throws Exception {
    String colorJson = "{\"color\":\"red\"}";
    ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    TestJackson colotObject = mapper.readValue(colorJson, TestJackson.class);

    String ser = mapper.writeValueAsString(colotObject);
    System.out.println("Serialized colotObject: " + ser);

I got the output as follows:

Serialized colotObject: {"device_color":"red"}
  • Above solution work for me . i am using Spring Rest 4 with jackson 2.9.10
    – Vasanth
    Commented Jul 2, 2021 at 6:33

Annotating with @JsonAlias which got introduced with Jackson 2.9+, without mentioning @JsonProperty on the item to be deserialized with more than one alias(different names for a json property) works fine.

I used com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonAlias for package consistency with com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper for my use-case.

For e.g.:

public class Chair {

    @JsonAlias({"woodenChair", "steelChair"})
    private String entityType;


public void test1() {

   String str1 = "{\"woodenChair\":\"chair made of wood\"}";
   System.out.println( mapper.readValue(str1, Chair.class));
   String str2 = "{\"steelChair\":\"chair made of steel\"}";
   System.out.println( mapper.readValue(str2, Chair.class));


just works fine.


This was not what I was expecting as a solution (though it is a legitimate use case). My requirement was to allow an existing buggy client (a mobile app which already released) to use alternate names.

The solution lies in providing a separate setter method like this:

@JsonSetter( "r" )
public void alternateSetRed( byte red ) {
    this.red = red;

I know its an old question but for me I got it working when I figured out that its conflicting with Gson library so if you are using Gson then use @SerializedName("name") instead of @JsonProperty("name") hope this helps


Use both JsonAlias and JsonProperty on the attribute.

data class PayoutMethodCard(
    val payoutAccountId: Long

In this case paymentAccountId can serialized from JSON either by payment_account_id or by payout_account_id, but when deserialized back to JSON JSONProperty will be used, and payment_account_id will be used.


They must have included this as a feature, because now setting a different @JsonProperty for a getter and setter results in exactly what you would expect (different property name during serialization and deserialization for the same field). Jackson version 2.6.7


In my case, I had to read inputs in Brazilian portuguese and generate outputs in english.

So, a workaround which worked for me was using @JsonAlias instead of @JsonProperty:

// pseudo-java
public class User {

   String username;

   public User(
      @JsonAlias("nome_usuario") String username) {
     // ...



You can write a serialize class to do that:

public class Symbol

     private String symbol;

     private String name;

     public String getSymbol() {
        return symbol;
    public void setSymbol(String symbol) {
        this.symbol = symbol;
    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public void setName(String name) {
        this.name = name;
public class SymbolJsonSerializer extends JsonSerializer<Symbol> {

    public void serialize(Symbol symbol, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider serializers) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {

        jgen.writeStringField("symbol", symbol.getSymbol());
         //Changed name to full_name as the field name of Json string
        jgen.writeStringField("full_name", symbol.getName());

            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

            SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
            module.addSerializer(Symbol.class, new SymbolJsonSerializer());

            //only convert non-null field, option...

            String jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(symbolList);


For Kotlin guys:

data class TestClassDTO(
    val username: String

You will successfull handle {"user_name": "John"} from POST payload in RestControllers

But when you need to serialize back with same name of @JsonProperty you can use this reflexe-approach

fun Any.forceSerialize(separator: String, sorted: Boolean = false): String {
    var fieldNameToAnnotatedNameMap = this.javaClass.declaredFields.map { it.name }.associateWith { fieldName ->
        val jsonFieldName =
            this::class.primaryConstructor?.parameters?.first { it.name == fieldName }?.annotations?.firstOrNull { it is JsonProperty }
        val serializedName = if (jsonFieldName != null) (jsonFieldName as JsonProperty).value else fieldName
    if (sorted)
        fieldNameToAnnotatedNameMap = fieldNameToAnnotatedNameMap.toList().sortedBy { (_, value) -> value}.toMap()
    return fieldNameToAnnotatedNameMap.entries.joinToString(separator) { e ->
        val field = this::class.memberProperties.first { it.name == e.key }

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