If one were to use TiddlyWiki as a personal database for notes and code snippets, how would you go about keeping it in sync between multiple machines. Would a svn/cvs etc work. How would you handle merges?
13 Answers
One option is the up-and-comer DropBox. A free filesharing service that gives you 2GB free, and no limit to the number of computers you share on.
Define a shared folder, put your tiddlywiki files in there, and then point the local editing to the shared drive. Any changes are automatically reflected.
Note: I have no connections to DropBox other than the fact that I've been reading lots about it, and am trialing it for my personal use.
2DropBox is a perfect solution for this sort of thing. (Note: I don't have a connection to DropBox either, but I think its a fantastic service, I use it multiple times a day, and its already saved my bacon more than once.)– bouvardCommented Oct 17, 2008 at 23:14
I use dropbox for this myself, the main benefit is instant version control (no need to do it myself with commits and such) Commented Sep 30, 2012 at 1:48
Used DropBox for a while but found TiddlySpot solution very simple and effective. You could combine the 2 approaches as I did for a time.– GuruMCommented Nov 25, 2012 at 9:34
Maybe SpiderOak if you are paranoid and want encryption. Commented Oct 31, 2013 at 22:21
Use TiddlySpot, its online all the time and private
I find it incredible that this site is really still online in 2020. Commented Apr 25, 2020 at 4:15
Tiddlywiki is well suited for version control (since it is a single text file).
Just put it on a personal SVN or Git repository accessible from the web, and you can keep it in sync with many places (office, home, laptop, etc.).
I use this method, and it works pretty well. You can even have several versions of your notes and resolve conflicts using diff tools. And obviously with revision control, you can work "offline" and sync later.
How easy is it to resolve conflicts between two different versions of a TiddlyWiki HTML file? Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 17:17
I just created a new Tiddlywiki at TiddlySpot. It allows you to keep a local copy of the Tiddlywiki and also sync it up with the server.
These options are all good, but I would just put it on a USB key.
3I find it hard to believe that this is the easiest option you found. Commented Dec 28, 2009 at 21:16
Are you being serious? Putting a portable wiki on a usb key is an extremely straightforward and foolproof way to access it from multiple machines; I actually can't think of any way that is easier. Commented Dec 29, 2009 at 2:56
1Well, I guess if you have it only on the USB drive, you won't have problems with synchronization. Bummer if you forget the drive at work or at home, though, because now all your information isn't accessible. Using Windows Live Sync would let you have it on both computers and keep it up to date without having to carry around a USB drive. Commented Jan 2, 2010 at 22:21
2It's been a while since this question, and I think the tides have shifted technology-wise -- I personally would use DropBox or something like it now for this purpose. If the original asker is still around, it might be a good idea to change the "accepted" answer to a more modern solution. Commented Mar 16, 2011 at 3:32
If you have your own web server (and don't want to use TiddlySpot), try this code to enable saving to your own server.
I have a MonkeyGTD wiki that is on http://TiddlySpot.com. I have a local copy of it on my work PC and do my work during the day on it, and periodically upload to TiddlSpot during the day and at the end of the day. If I need to access it or update it after work I will make changes to the online version and then the next morning I do an Import back into my local file.
It's true that if I forget to do an update or do them in the wrong order I will lose information, but it's "good enough".
There is probably a way to use the Sync functionality to prevent this, but I haven't researched this option yet.
1TiddlySpot has a "Save to Web" option. You can make edits from any online computer. Order of sync is important. There are at least 7-8 versions on the site so doing a rollback to an older version is quite easy. Refer the TiddlySpot FAQ– GuruMCommented Nov 25, 2012 at 9:32
If you might want to edit your wiki on several computers at the same time, you would definitely want a server-based solution that syncs at a finer level than the file. Giewiki (http://giewiki.appspot.com) is a server-based TiddlyWiki solution based on Google's App Engine, which does just that. And unlike any other hosted TiddlyWikis that I know of, you can create several pages in any hierachy and navigate them through an auto-generated sitemap. You can try it out by creating a subdomain site at giewiki.appspot.com, or you can download the source and install it into a free appspot site of your own. And you can make it as personal or public as you like.
Try FolderShare.
Mesh might be a better choice. I think FS is going bye bye when Mesh gets out of beta.– user1228Commented Sep 17, 2008 at 18:19
I store my TiddlyWiki files on a USB flash drive that I keep with me no matter what computer I might be using. No need to bother synchronizing across other computers. It gets backed up regularly when I back up the flash drive itself on my primary workstation.
Yet another option: Use a different personal wiki called Luminotes, which you can either access online from different computers or download and run on your own computer (yes, even a USB drive). Luminotes has definitely got some similarities to TiddlyWiki, but in many ways it's simpler to learn and use.
You mentioned SVN, but if you don't mind using git, Github's Gollum is a great solution. Edit locally or from the github remote repo.
Why not just setup something like DokuWiki on a webserver? You do have your own web server, right? You can get a virtual hosted solution for $19/mo these days.