This should be a pretty simple regex question but I couldn't find any answers anywhere. How would one make a regex, which matches on either ONLY 2 characters, or at least 4 characters. Here is my current method of doing it (ignore the regex itself, that's besides the point):


However, this method takes twice the time (and is approximately 0.3s slower for me on a 400 line file), so I was wondering if there was a better way to do it?

4 Answers 4


Optimize the beginning, and anchor it.


(Also, you did say to ignore the regex itself, but I guessed you probably wanted 0-9, not 0_9)

EDIT Hm, I was sure I read that you want to match lines. Remove the anchors (^$) if you want to match inside the line as well. If you do match full lines only, anchors will speed you up (well, the front anchor ^ will, at least).

  • This works perfectly fine. And I only want to match the beginning of a line, so I'll just keep the ^.
    – dnclem
    Commented Dec 22, 2011 at 19:53

Your solution looks pretty good. As an alternative you can try smth like that:


Btw, I think you want hyphen instead of underscore between 0 and 9, don't you?

  • Yeah, I did mean to use a hyphen instead of an underscore between 0 and 9. BTW, what does the "?:" mean in your regex?
    – dnclem
    Commented Dec 22, 2011 at 19:53
  • @david—?: means that the expression within the parenthesis is not captured. Check this site out if you don't know what I mean by that: regular-expressions.info/brackets.html
    – dlras2
    Commented Dec 22, 2011 at 19:57
  • @david, it's for non-capturing group as said above and it's more efficient then regular group.
    – KL-7
    Commented Dec 22, 2011 at 19:59

The solution you present is correct.

If you're trying to optimize the routine, and the number of matches strings matching 2 or more characters is much smaller than those that do not, consider accepting all strings of length 2 or greater, then tossing those if they're of length 3. This may boost performance by only checking the regex once, and the second call need not even be a regular expression; checking a string length is usually an extremely fast operation.

As always, you really need to run tests on real-world data to verify if this would give you a speed increase.

  • Alright, thanks for the tip. I'll try your method out. It sounds like a nice idea.
    – dnclem
    Commented Dec 22, 2011 at 19:51

so basically you want to match words of length either 2 or 2+2+N, N>=0


working example:


while (<STDIN>)
    my @matches = ($_=~/([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9](?:[A-Za-z0-9][A0Za-z0-9])*)/g);
    for my $m (@matches) {
        print "match: $m\n";

input file:

cat in.txt
ab abc bcad a as asdfa
aboioioi i i abc bcad a as asdfa


perl t.pl <in.txt
match: ab
match: ab
match: bcad
match: as
match: asdf
match: aboioioi
match: ab
match: bcad
match: as
match: asdf
  • 1
    -1, as A) it pains me to see duplicated expressions instead of {n}, and B) your solution only captures strings of even length (and even then doesn't do it particularly efficiently.)
    – dlras2
    Commented Dec 22, 2011 at 19:39
  • A) no comment, B) you've a sharp eye, thank you for noticing the error.
    – user237419
    Commented Dec 22, 2011 at 19:46

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