Using Closure Library, you can give any object the ability to dispatch events extending goog.events.EventTarget. Is this currently possible using Dart libraries?

I imagine it would look like this:


class Foo implements EventTarget {
  Events get on() {
    // ???

main() {
  Foo foo = new Foo();

  // Subscribe to the event.
  foo.on['bar'].add((Event event) => print('bar!'));

  // Dispatch the event.
  foo.on['bar'].dispatch(new Event('bar'));

Am I on the right track?

Edit Thanks to Lars Tackmann, a working draft is here: http://try.dartlang.org/s/f6wk

2 Answers 2


You can do this in multiple ways, one method could be to use typedef's to define a generic handler function:

class Event {
   final String type;

typedef EventHandler(Event event);

interface EventTarget {
  Map<String,EventHandler> get on();
  void dispatch(Event event);

class Foo implements EventTarget {
  Map<String, EventHandler> _handlers;
  Foo() {
    _handlers = new Map();

  Map<String, EventHandler> get on() {
    return _handlers;

  dispatch(Event event) {
     EventHandler handler = _handlers[event.type];

main() {
  Foo foo = new Foo();

  foo.on['bar'] = (Event event) => print('handling event ${event.type}');

  foo.dispatch(new Event('bar'));

I made a DartBoard snippet for you here to play around with.

You might want to experiment with making EventTarget into a base class, unless of cause it messes up your inheritance strategy (in which case a event bus you can inject with a factory might be a better fit).

  • Woah. It looks a lot simpler than I thought. Thanks for the complete example and dartboard snippet. :) The event bus pattern is new to me but I'll read more about it.
    – moraes
    Commented Dec 25, 2011 at 13:07
  • 1
    Your DartBoard snippet allows a single listener to be registered (see: try.dartlang.org/s/8rsk). Here is a version that supports multiple: try.dartlang.org/s/LBkk
    – moraes
    Commented Dec 25, 2011 at 21:02

I think you are, but I favor a more robust event model for internal objects than the one used to wrap DOM events in Dart. The one I use models more after the .net event model, and allows passing of both the source object, and an EventArgs class (or sub-class) carrying data related to the event.


looks like:

FrameworkEvent<EventArgs> myEvent = new FrameworkEvent<EventArgs>();

//here subscribing using custom operator override "+"    
var handler = myEvent + (Dynamic source, EventArgs args) {
 //do stuff when the event fires here

//fire the event
myEvent.invoke(this, new EventArgs());

//unsubscribe using operator override "-"
myEvent - handler; //unsubscribe from the event here
  • Right now I'm favoring an interface that stay as close as possible to dart:html's events interface. But your approach is interesting and I want to play around with this.
    – moraes
    Commented Dec 25, 2011 at 12:59

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