Say you have a txt file, what is the command to view the top 10 lines and bottom 10 lines of file simultaneously?
i.e. if the file is 200 lines long, then view lines 1-10 and 190-200 in one go.
Say you have a txt file, what is the command to view the top 10 lines and bottom 10 lines of file simultaneously?
i.e. if the file is 200 lines long, then view lines 1-10 and 190-200 in one go.
You can simply:
(head; tail) < file.txt
And if you need to uses pipes for some reason then like this:
cat file.txt | (head; tail)
Note: will print duplicated lines if number of lines in file.txt is smaller than default lines of head + default lines of tail.
has consumed the first 10 lines of the file. (Compare this with head < file.txt; tail < file.txt
on a file with fewer than 20 lines). Just a very minor point to keep in mind. (But still +1.)
only displays the first 10 lines of its input, there is no guaranteed that it didn't consume more of it in order to find the 10th line ending, leaving less of the input for less
to display.
seq 100 | (head; tail)
gives me only first 10 numbers. Only on much larger input size (like seq 2000
) the tail gets some input.
cat file.txt | (sed -u 10q ; echo ; tail)
is the standard text editor
$ echo -e '1+10,$-10d\n%p' | ed -s file.txt
(sed -u 10q; echo ...; tail) < file.txt
Just another variation on the (head;tail)
theme, but avoiding the initial buffer fill issue for small files.
brew install gnu-sed
to get this to work.
For a pure stream (e.g. output from a command), you can use 'tee' to fork the stream and send one stream to head and one to tail. This requires using either the '>( list )' feature of bash (+ /dev/fd/N):
( COMMAND | tee /dev/fd/3 | head ) 3> >( tail )
or using /dev/fd/N (or /dev/stderr) plus subshells with complicated redirection:
( ( seq 1 100 | tee /dev/fd/2 | head 1>&3 ) 2>&1 | tail ) 3>&1
( ( seq 1 100 | tee /dev/stderr | head 1>&3 ) 2>&1 | tail ) 3>&1
(Neither of these will work in csh or tcsh.)
For something with a little better control, you can use this perl command:
COMMAND | perl -e 'my $size = 10; my @buf = (); while (<>) { print if $. <= $size; push(@buf, $_); if ( @buf > $size ) { shift(@buf); } } print "------\n"; print @buf;'
COMMAND | { tee >(head >&2) | tail; } |& other_commands
cat >/dev/null
fixes it: COMMAND | { tee >(head >&2; cat >/dev/null) | tail; } |& other_commands
and tail
commands :\ ...
Based on J.F. Sebastian's comment:
cat file | { tee >(head >&3; cat >/dev/null) | tail; } 3>&1
This way you can process first line and the rest differently in one pipe, which is useful for working with CSV data:
{ echo N; seq 3;} | { tee >(head -n1 | sed 's/$/*2/' >&3; cat >/dev/null) | tail -n+2 | awk '{print $1*2}'; } 3>&1
N*2 2 4 6
It took make a lot of time to end-up with this solution which, seems to be the only one that covered all use cases (so far):
command | tee full.log | stdbuf -i0 -o0 -e0 awk -v offset=${MAX_LINES:-200} \
if (NR <= offset) print;
else {
a[NR] = $0;
delete a[NR-offset];
printf "." > "/dev/stderr"
print "" > "/dev/stderr";
for(i=NR-offset+1 > offset ? NR-offset+1: offset+1 ;i<=NR;i++)
{ print a[i]}
Feature list:
in a function so I can just pipe to headtail
May 20, 2021 at 18:25
head -10 file.txt; tail -10 file.txt
Other than that, you'll need to write your own program / script.
and head
or tail
piped, good to know that I can use them individually!
{ head file; tail file; } | prog
(spacing inside the braces, and the trailing semicolon are required)
Dec 24, 2011 at 19:25
the problem here is that stream-oriented programs don't know the length of the file in advance (because there might not be one, if it's a real stream).
tools like tail
buffer the last n lines seen and wait for the end of the stream, then print.
if you want to do this in a single command (and have it work with any offset, and do not repeat lines if they overlap) you'll have to emulate this behaviour I mentioned.
try this awk:
awk -v offset=10 '{ if (NR <= offset) print; else { a[NR] = $0; delete a[NR-offset] } } END { for (i=NR-offset+1; i<=NR; i++) print a[i] }' yourfile
a.out | awk -v ...
Apr 22, 2013 at 21:07
Well, you can always chain them together. Like so,
head fiename_foo && tail filename_foo
. If that is not sufficient, you could write yourself a bash function in your .profile file or any login file that you use:
head_and_tail() {
head $1 && tail $1
And, later invoke it from your shell prompt: head_and_tail filename_foo
I have been looking for this solution for a while. Tried it myself with sed, but the problem with not knowing the length of file/stream beforehand was insurmountable. Of all the options available above, I like Camille Goudeseune's awk solution. He did make a note that his solution left extra blank lines in the output with a sufficiently small data set. Here I provide a modification of his solution that removes the extra lines.
headtail() { awk -v offset="$1" '{ if (NR <= offset) print; else { a[NR] = $0; delete a[NR-offset] } } END { a_count=0; for (i in a) {a_count++}; for (i=NR-a_count+1; i<=NR; i++) print a[i] }' ; }
First 10 lines of file.ext, then its last 10 lines:
cat file.ext | head -10 && cat file.ext | tail -10
Last 10 lines of the file, then the first 10:
cat file.ext | tail -10 && cat file.ext | head -10
You can then pipe the output elsewhere too:
(cat file.ext | head -10 && cat file.ext | tail -10 ) | your_program
and head
or a function by alias-ing it.
I wrote a simple python app to do this:
It handles pipes (streams) as well as files.
drawing on ideas above (tested bash & zsh)
but using an alias 'hat' Head and Tails
alias hat='(head -5 && echo "^^^------vvv" && tail -5) < '
hat large.sql
Consumes stdin, but simple and works for 99% of use cases
#!/usr/bin/env bash
IT=$(cat /dev/stdin)
echo "$IT" | head -n$COUNT
echo "..."
echo "$IT" | tail -n$COUNT
$ seq 100 | head_and_tail 4
Why not to use sed
for this task?
sed -n -e 1,+9p -e 190,+9p textfile.txt
To handle pipes (streams) as well as files, add this to your .bashrc or .profile file:
headtail() { awk -v offset="$1" '{ if (NR <= offset) print; else { a[NR] = $0; delete a[NR-offset] } } END { for (i=NR-offset+1; i<=NR; i++) print a[i] }' ; }
Then you can not only
headtail 10 < file.txt
but also
a.out | headtail 10
(This still appends spurious blank lines when 10 exceeds the input's length, unlike plain old a.out | (head; tail)
. Thank you, previous answerers.)
Note: headtail 10
, not headtail -10
Building on what @Samus_ explained here about how @Aleksandra Zalcman's command works, this variation is handy when you can't quickly spot where the tail begins without counting lines.
{ head; echo "####################\n...\n####################"; tail; } < file.txt
Or if you start working with something other than 20 lines, a line count might even help.
{ head -n 18; tail -n 14; } < file.txt | cat -n
To print the first 10 and last 10 lines of a file, you could try this:
cat <(head -n10 file.txt) <(tail -n10 file.txt) | less
sed -n "1,10p; $(( $(wc -l ${aFile} | grep -oE "^[[:digit:]]+")-9 )),\$p" "${aFile}"
NOTE: The aFile variable contains the file's full path.
I would say that depending upon the size of the file, actively reading in its contents may not be desirable. In that circumstance, I think some simple shell scripting should suffice.
Here's how I recently handled this for a number of very large CSV files that I was analyzing:
$ for file in *.csv; do echo "### ${file}" && head ${file} && echo ... && tail ${file} && echo; done
This prints out the first 10 lines and the last 10 lines of each file, while also printing out the filename and some ellipsis before and after.
For a single large file, you could simply run the following for the same effect:
$ head somefile.csv && echo ... && tail somefile.csv
I did some more experimenting based mostly on suggestions here. After working a bit, I up with something very similar to another version in another comment, but with a focus more on formatting with multiple file args in addition to stdin.
This wraps nicely into a script (tentatively headtail
) and uses the gnu awk. On macOs this can be installed via brew install gawk
It can work on piped content OR a list of files as arguments. Given files, it prints a header of the file name, the head N lines, a skipped lines maker, then the tail N lines. If the head and tail overlap or would line up, it neither includes a skip marker nor does it display any duplicate lines.
headtail_awk() {
gawk -v "n=${N}" -- '\
FNR == 1 && FILENAME != "-" {
printf "\033[036m==> %s <==\033[0m\n", FILENAME;
# print head lines
FNR <= n { print }
# store lines in a circular buffer
{ a[FNR % n]=$0 }
# print non-overlapping tail lines from circular buffer.
if ( FNR > 2 * n ) {
printf "\033[0;36m>>> %s lines skipped <<<\033[0m\n", FNR - 2 * n
for (i=FNR-n+1;i<=FNR;i++) {
if ( i > n) {
print a[i % n]
' "$@"
headtail_awk "$@"
I'll leave any getopts and/or enhancements of the N=10 line window as an exercise for the reader.
sample output of multiple files (with n=3):
$ headtail -n 3 /usr/share/dict/words /usr/share/dict/propernames
==> /usr/share/dict/words <==
>>> 235880 lines skipped <<<
==> /usr/share/dict/propernames <==
>>> 1302 lines skipped <<<
this worked for me: (head -100) < source.txt > target.txt
(head -100) < source.txt takes the first 100 lines from the source.txt file and then
taget.txt pushes the 100 lines into a new file called target.txt
Initially I thought something like this should work: head -100 source.txt > target.txt but it returned an empty file.
In order to get the first x and last y lines of of output of a command or pipeline, I found it best to use several shell features:
(head -n $x; tail -n $y) <<< "$(your_pipeline_here)"
is a compound command to run list
in a subshell, <<<
introduces a here document, $()
is command substitution, and ""
keeps the line breaks in the pipeline's output.
If you want, you can add echo;
in between the head
and tail
commands to print a blank line (or a non-blank line if you give echo one or more arguments). Note that -n $x
can be shorted to -$x
if $x
expands to a positive integer with no leading +
. Example:
(head -3; echo; tail -4) <<< "$(seq 10)"
Of course, this solution works best if the sum of x and y is <= the number of lines in the command or pipeline's output. It has the advantage of being able to specify arbitrary line limits for head
and tail
, but the disadvantage is that tail
won't repeat any lines that head
already printed. Given the use of subshells, it might not perform very well if executed many times. This tradeoff will be worth it for some use cases, but not others.