Possible Duplicate:
How to overload the ->* operator?

What is the meaning of operator ->*?

and how it can be useful in overloading ?

  • See also stackoverflow.com/questions/2696864/… . I don't think this is a duplicate of the above, but not a really good question either. Commented Jan 3, 2012 at 20:11
  • I was going to answer, but here is the jist — operator->* defines a binary operator just like operator+, operator*, etc. It has higher precedence than all the other binary operators so it is useful in forming member accesses, but lower than operator[]. It is widely considered to be obscure and may confuse users. Commented Jan 3, 2012 at 20:18

2 Answers 2


The ->* and .* operators are for accessing class members via pointers, see the following link for examples:


You may find this SO answer useful as well.


operator->* is for pointers to members.

struct foo{
  void bar(){}

int main(){
  typedef void (foo:*foo_memptr)();
  foo_memptr pfunc = &foo::bar;
  foo f;
  foo* pf = &f;
  (f.*pfunc)(); // on object or reference
  (pf->*pfunc)(); // on pointer to object

Overloading it is usually only useful for smart pointers, and even them don't do it because it's really complicated and the same functionality can be achieved by ((*pf).*pfunc)(). Scott Meyers even wrote a PDF on how to do it!

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