Do you know a way to connect Java and the Tarantool key/value storage? On the Tarantool web-site I can see connectors for C, Ruby, PHP, etc., but no connector for Java.

I know that Tarantool supports the Memcached protocol (with a lot of Java clients for it), but I need a native Tarantool protocol connector for Java.

2 Answers 2


At this point a full-featured driver is ready, check out http://github.com/tarantool/tarantool-java

  • I'm waiting for something like JPA implementation for Tarantool. For now, I'm using Amazon SimpleDB and Amazon Dynamo DB, but I want to migrate from these services :) Tarantool seems very good alternative Feb 28, 2012 at 12:44
  • There is a new Java connector library in the open since recently: github.com/dgreenru/tarantool-java
    – Kostja
    Aug 10, 2012 at 8:19

The other answer is slightly outdated, so I feel that this topic needs an update about the current situation.

There are two Java drivers present for Tarantool as of 2021:

  • An "old" tarantool-java, marked as deprecated, since it does not support vShard cluster, Cartridge, Tarantool 2.x+ features like new UUID and decimal types, has some problems with API and architecture and is out of maintenance for a long time. However, as of now, it's the one that supports JDBC interface, so you may choose it for connecting to a single Tarantool node via JDBC.
  • A "new" cartridge-java, which is currently actively developed and maintained, and provides a foundation for other necessary connector modules like cartridge-springdata and cartridge-spark. This driver uses Netty for the transport layer, the official MsgPack library for serialization, and provides support for single Tarantool nodes, vShard cluster, Cartridge and new Tarantool 2.x+ features. This driver is compatible with 1.10 Tarantol series too.

So, for all cases except JDBC for a single Tarantool node (currently), I'd recommend using cartridge-java.

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