I am looking for a jQuery plugin for something like spreadsheet or grid. I have found a lot of jQuery Grid plugins and one spreadsheet plugin. But I would like functionality with copy/paste cells from/to Excel. Something like here Any suggestions?

  • jsgrids.io is a list of JavaScript grid libraries. You can filter the results for libraries, such as those that have copy and paste support, or those that export to Excel. Jul 14, 2020 at 0:44

3 Answers 3


I needed JavaScript data grid with copy/paste compatibility with Excel. I could not find such, so I created this: http://handsontable.com/

Maybe you will find it useful.


there is one available on github: https://github.com/TanyaWebDesign/SpreadSheet

it is based on jquery, has copy/paste and bunch of other functions.


The best way to deal with tabular data with jquery is probably using Slickgrid

I did a plugin for copy/paste from/to excel: http://labs.nereo.com/SlickGrid/examples/example-excel-compatible-spreadsheet.html

The plugin has now many bugs fixed and features added by the community (eg. undo/redo support) : https://github.com/Celebio/SlickGrid/commits/master


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