Is it possible to use an interface type that is defined in a huge external dll, without referencing that dll at compile time?
Not really, no. The compiler has the reasonable expectation that the types it needs are available.
Is it possible to use an interface type that is defined in a huge external dll, without referencing that dll at runtime?
Yes. We added that feature to C# 4. The "proper" name for the feature is something like "Type Embedding with Type Equivalence", but everyone just calls it "No PIA".
The motivation for the feature is the one faced most obviously by Visual Studio Tools For Office developers. VSTO developers write C# code that customizes, say, an Excel spreadsheet with some managed code. They communicate with Excel via a managed interface, but of course Excel actually exposes a set of COM interfaces. To bridge that gap, the Office team supplies a Primary Interop Assembly, or PIA. The PIA is a huge external library that contains nothing but metadata that describes how the managed interfaces correspond to the unmanaged interfaces of the COM objects.
The problem is that the Office team does not by default install the PIA when your customer buys Office! Therefore you have to ship the PIA with your customization. And the PIA is so large, it is often many times the size of the customization, which makes your download longer. And so on; it's not an ideal situation by any means.
The No-PIA feature allows the compiler to link only the portions of the PIA you actually use into your library, so that you do not have to ship the PIA with it.
Now, you might ask "what if I have two customizations that communicate with each other, and both use the IFoo interface from a PIA that I am not shipping?" The runtime identifies types by the assembly they came from, and so the two IFoo interfaces would be considered different types, and therefore not compatible.
The "No PIA" feature takes this into account as well. It does the same trick you use in COM to solve this problem: the assembly instructs the runtime to unify all interfaces that have the same GUID into the same logical type even if they come from different assemblies. This thereby explains the requirement that every interface that you use with "no PIA" has to be marked as though it were a COM interop interface with a GUID.
On the command line, use /L instead of /R to reference an assembly as a "no PIA" assembly.
Do a web search on "no PIA" and you'll find more information on this feature.