I'm having some issues with my code maybe you could help?

Jquery: [updated]

$(function() {

    autoOpen: false,
    show: "blind",
    hide: "explode"
 $(".val_open").click(function(event) {
     var target = $(this).attr("id");
     $('#' + target).dialog('open');
    return false;

HTML: [updated]

<p class="first_name>
<div class="val_error" id="first_name_err"><?php echo form_error('first_name'); ?></div>
<label for="contact_first_name"><?php echo $label_values->first_name;?></label>
<?php echo form_input('first_name', $form_values->first_name, 'id="first_name"');?>
<button class="val_open" id="first_name">Open</button>

<p class="last_name">
<div class="val_error" id="last_name_err"><?php echo form_error('last_name'); ?></div>
<label for="contact_last_name"><?php echo $label_values->last_name;?></label>
<?php echo form_input('last_name', $form_values->last_name, 'id="last_name"');?>
<button class="val_open" id="last_name">Open</button>

So basically I'm trying to get the dialog to open for just one ID at a time rather than all at once.. I've tried the following but no luck:

Jquery I thought would work

$(function() {

        autoOpen: false,
        show: "blind",
        hide: "explode"
     $(".val_open").click(function(event) {
            var target = $this.attr("id");
        return false;

Any help / pointers or even ideas would be great!

http://jsfiddle.net/dRRRd/ <- can view here

  • 1
    Your html is not valid, you can not have two ( or more ) elements with the same id. Try to define and use a data- property (i.e data-target-id )
    – dievardump
    Commented Jan 29, 2012 at 19:00
  • @DieVarDump I've sorted that now
    – Sean
    Commented Jan 29, 2012 at 19:22

2 Answers 2

  1. Element ID's must be unique - you have two first_name elements and two last_name elements. This will cause issues. (You also have two labels "for" contact_name - are there two elements with this ID as well?)

  2. In your javascript, target is not defined when you call $(".val_error"+target).dialog({ (it's declared in the scope of another callback function.)

What you want to do is assign a class to the parent element of each form group, then use that as a selector to find your error divs. Try something like this:

<p class="first_name">
<div class="val_error" id="first_name_err"><?php echo form_error('first_name'); ?></div>
<label for="contact_name"><?php echo $label_values->first_name;?></label>
<?php echo form_input('first_name', $form_values->first_name, 'id="first_name"');?>
<button class="val_open" id="first_name">Open</button>

<p class="last_name">
<div class="val_error" id="last_name_err"><?php echo form_error('last_name'); ?></div>
<label for="contact_name"><?php echo $label_values->last_name;?></label>
<?php echo form_input('last_name', $form_values->last_name, 'id="last_name"');?>
<button class="val_open" id="last_name">Open</button>

And then your jQuery selector would be $(".first_name .val_error") or $(".last_name .val_error")

  • How could I go about making the selector dynamic then? I've redone the HTML like you suggested is my JS okay? ` $(".val_error").dialog({ autoOpen: false, show: "blind", hide: "explode" }); $(".val_open").click(function(event) { var target = $(this).attr("id"); $('#' + target).dialog('open'); return false; });`
    – Sean
    Commented Jan 29, 2012 at 19:16
  • Since the error div's ID is essentially the target's ID + "_err" you could just hardcode that in, but it'd probably be better to do something like $(".val_open").click(function() {$(this).siblings(".val_error").dialog('open'); return false;}); (untested) Commented Jan 29, 2012 at 19:31

A couple of things with the following line:

var target = $this.attr("id");
  1. $this will look for a variable called $this, which does not exist. To get at the contextual jQuery object, use $(this)
  2. The variable target is never read -- maybe you meant $('#' + target).dialog('open'); on the next line?

But the simplest solution is probably to remove:

var target = $this.attr("id");

..and replace it with:


because only one element gets the click event anyway, and that element can be targeted with $(this).

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