Related: Strings as variable references in R
Possibly related: Concatenate expressions to subset a dataframe

I've simplified the question per the comment request. Here goes with some example data.

dat <- data.frame(num=1:10,sq=(1:10)^2,cu=(1:10)^3)
set1 <- subset(dat,num>5)
set2 <- subset(dat,num<=5)

Now, I'd like to make a bubble plot from these. I have a more complicated data set with 3+ colors and complicated subsets, but I do something like this:


I'd like to do a for loop like this:

colors <- c("red","blue")
sets <- c("set1","set2")
vars <- c("sq","cu","num")

for (i in 1:length(sets)) {

I know you can have a variable evaluated to specify the column (like var="cu"; set1[,var]; I want to know how to get a variable to specify the data.frame itself (and another to evaluate the column).

Update: Ran across this post on r-bloggers which has this example:

x <- 42
eval(parse(text = "x"))
[1] 42

I'm able to do something like this now:


In fiddling with this, I'm finding it interesting that the following are not equivalent:

vars <- data.frame("var1","var2")

I actually have to do this:


Update2: The above works to output values... but not in trying to plot. I can't do:

for (i in 1:length(set)) {

I get invalid symbol coordinates. I checked the class of set[[1]] and it's a factor. If I do is.numeric(as.numeric(set[[1]])) I get TRUE. Even if I add that above prior to the eval statement, I still get the error. Oddly, though, I can do this:

set.xvars <- as.numeric(eval(parse(text=paste(set[[i]],"$",var1,sep=""))))
set.yvars <- as.numeric(eval(parse(text=paste(set[[i]],"$",var2,sep=""))))

Why different behavior when stored as a variable vs. executed within the symbol function?

  • 2
    Any chance you could re-write your question with actual questions? There is one in the title but no concise statement of what exactly you are trying to do.
    – Maiasaura
    Jan 29, 2012 at 22:35
  • 1
    It would also be very helpful if you gave us some example data with dput.
    – Maiasaura
    Jan 29, 2012 at 22:36
  • @Maiasaura: Let me know if my revision is clearer. I reallly don't think data is necessary, but if you really need it I'll figure out some kind of example.
    – Hendy
    Jan 29, 2012 at 22:45
  • 4
    var1=42; foo="var1"; get(foo); is another way to get a variable named after a string.
    – Maiasaura
    Jan 29, 2012 at 23:51
  • @Maiasaura: true, but I want the column of a data frame. I know I can do what you did, but it doesn't work to do get("data$var1").
    – Hendy
    Jan 30, 2012 at 1:35

6 Answers 6


You found one answer, i.e. eval(parse()) . You can also investigate do.call() which is often simpler to implement. Keep in mind the useful as.name() tool as well, for converting strings to variable names.

  • 22
    When trying to convert a paste string into a variable, eval(as.name(paste())) worked for me, thanks!
    – chimeric
    Mar 3, 2016 at 21:26
  • 5
    I had a complex structure (a list myList of many dataframes called for example myDF1, myDF2, etc.) and eval(parse(text=paste0(myList$myDF, "index"))) worked for me. Thanks! May 18, 2017 at 11:58
  • 11
    eval(as.name(CHARACTER_HERE)) worked for me, hope this helps someone. Nov 16, 2017 at 4:38

The basic answer to the question in the title is eval(as.symbol(variable_name_as_string)) as Josh O'Brien uses. e.g.

var.name = "x"
assign(var.name, 5)
eval(as.symbol(var.name)) # outputs 5

Or more simply:

get(var.name) # 5
  • 1
    you deserve a medal. I have tried so many ways to work around this issue and you're telling me there is a function called "get". 7 years later, still helpful!
    – Mark
    Apr 8, 2022 at 21:58

Without any example data, it really is difficult to know exactly what you are wanting. For instance, I can't at all divine what your object set (or is it sets) looks like.

That said, does the following help at all?

set1 <- data.frame(x = 4:6, y = 6:4, z = c(1, 3, 5))

plot(1:10, type="n")
XX <- "set1"
with(eval(as.symbol(XX)), symbols(x, y, circles = z, add=TRUE))


Now that I see your real task, here is a one-liner that'll do everything you want without requiring any for() loops:

with(dat, symbols(sq, cu, circles = num,
                  bg = c("red", "blue")[(num>5) + 1]))

The one bit of code that may feel odd is the bit specifying the background color. Try out these two lines to see how it works:

c(TRUE, FALSE) + 1
# [1] 2 1
c("red", "blue")[c(F, F, T, T) + 1]
# [1] "red"  "red"  "blue" "blue"
  • I added a sample data set for you, but your example works. I was not familiar with the use of with -- it seems like it kind of gives a framework for subsequent variable names. I used it successfully like this: for (i in 1:length(sets)) { with(eval(as.symbol(sets[[i]])), symbols(sq,cu,circles=num,bg=colors[[i]],add=T)) Thanks!
    – Hendy
    Jan 30, 2012 at 2:02
  • @Hendy -- Good to hear. I also just added a one-liner which may allow you to make the whole plot without use at all of subset() or for() loops. Good luck! Jan 30, 2012 at 16:22

If you want to use a string as a variable name, you can use assign:


assign(var1, c(5,4,5,6,7))


[1] 5 4 5 6 7

Subsetting the data and combining them back is unnecessary. So are loops since those operations are vectorized. From your previous edit, I'm guessing you are doing all of this to make bubble plots. If that is correct, perhaps the example below will help you. If this is way off, I can just delete the answer.

# let's look at the included dataset named trees.
# ?trees for a description
ggplot(trees,aes(Height,Volume)) + geom_point(aes(size=Girth))
# Great, now how do we color the bubbles by groups?
# For this example, I'll divide Volume into three groups: lo, med, high
trees$set[trees$Volume>22.7 & trees$Volume<=45.4]="med"

ggplot(trees,aes(Height,Volume,colour=set)) + geom_point(aes(size=Girth))

# Instead of just circles scaled by Girth, let's also change the symbol
ggplot(trees,aes(Height,Volume,colour=set)) + geom_point(aes(size=Girth,pch=set))

# Now let's choose a specific symbol for each set. Full list of symbols at ?pch
trees$symbol[trees$Volume>22.7 & trees$Volume<=45.4]=2

ggplot(trees,aes(Height,Volume,colour=set)) + geom_point(aes(size=Girth,pch=symbol))

What works best for me is using quote() and eval() together.

For example, let's print each column using a for loop:

Columns <- names(dat)
for (i in 1:ncol(dat)){
  dat[, eval(quote(Columns[i]))] %>% print

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