I'm using the salesforce iphonesdk, I wonder if anybody knows how to submit data into the salesforce object, like using INSERT ? Which method is to be used?

3 Answers 3


You need to use the create() call, passing it an array of SObjects to insert — see the documentation here.

You should probably read the Getting Started section of the reference material, especially the API Call Basics. Your question demonstrates a considerable lack of research, and I'd advise making sure you do research things yourself before asking a question on stackoverflow if you don't want it to be closed out. If you've read the documentation and still don't understand how to do something, then you're in a good position to ask for help!


Swift version:

  1. Your controller class should conform to RestClientDelegate protocol
  2. data is the dictionary(object) to be inserted
let data = ["Percentage__c": "1", "Amount__c":"11", "Volume__c":"111", "Promotion_Details__c": "00112233"]
let request = RestClient.shared.requestForCreate(withObjectType: "<your_table_name_>", fields: data)

RestClient.shared.send(request, delegate: self)

Another Way:

If you don't want to conform to RestClientDelegate, simply call:

RestClient.shared.send(request: request, onFailure: { (err, res) in
            // some closure to handle error
        }) { (any, res) in
            // another closure to handle error

With guidance by Lacey Snr, Found my own answer

NSMutableDictionary *dic = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
[dic setObject:@"Smith" forKey:@"Name_c"];
[dic setObject:@"5" forKey:@"PAX_c"];
SFRestRequest *request = [[SFRestAPI sharedInstance] 
                          requestForCreateWithObjectType:@"Booking_Forms_c" fields:dic];
[[SFRestAPI sharedInstance] send:request delegate:self];

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