Currently I have a web service running in a tomcat (http://localhost:8080/myApp/getUsers). My web service will accept a json string and then process accordingly. My webservice code is as follows:

public class UsersWS
    public Response post(String theRequestJSON)
            JSONObject aJsonObj = new JSONObject(theRequestJSON);
            String userID = aJsonObj.getString("userID");   

So, my Web service is processing a json string. So now, I need to call the above web service from another JAVA class (with a jsonObject having the userID in request parameter).

How to do it? Shortly, I need to make a web service call from a JAVA class with a JSON object as a request parameter. How to send a json as a request parameter in a request call.


3 Answers 3


Take a look at Jersey: http://jersey.java.net

Here's a good write up on how to use the client: http://blogs.oracle.com/enterprisetechtips/entry/consuming_restful_web_services_with


Use native URLConnection or Apache HttpClient to send a HTTP request to the server.And the parameters must passed in key=value&key2=value2... format. So you may need to reconstruct the JSON object in that format or using another special parameter name like data=jsonstring then parse the json string using some library.

  • Thanks a lot.. can you also suggest me some java libraries to post as data=jsonstring in the request?
    – user915303
    Feb 7, 2012 at 7:26

@George has basically already answered your question, but in terms of JSON processing you may want to also look at Jackson http://jackson.codehaus.org/

This allows you to quickly convert Java objects to JSON equivalents.

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