I don't have much experience with html, but I tried to make a simple table and I get extra cells in it, I don't know why. Here is the code:

<table border="1">
        <td colspan="5"> hi <td>
        <td colspan="3"> hi <td>
        <td colspan="3"> hi <td>
        <td colspan="5"> hi <td>

I expect this to have two rows with 2 cells in each, in first row first cell is bigger, and in second row second cell is bigger. But for some reason I get 4 cells in each row, like this:


  • Why are you using colspan=5 + 3 in a table that has only two columns? If you get rid of that, it'll work.
    – Pekka
    Commented Feb 9, 2012 at 15:09
  • Why are you having those colspans there if you are looking to have just 2 columns in both rows? Removing the colspans will remove the extra cells as well.
    – techfoobar
    Commented Feb 9, 2012 at 15:09

4 Answers 4


You didn't terminate your <td>.... You need a </td> at the end.

Working Fiddle


<table border="1">
        <td colspan="5"> hi </td>
        <td colspan="3"> hi </td>
        <td colspan="3"> hi </td>
        <td colspan="5"> hi </td>


If you want it to look like you'd expect, you will have to set some widths on your td's like I did in the fiddle.

  • +1 - Took me a few seconds to realise what you'd changed. Sometimes it's really hard to spot the obvious, nice catch :P
    – Hecksa
    Commented Feb 9, 2012 at 15:10

You have used TD Start Tags when you want TD End Tags. So you have 4 TD elements in each row instead of 2. (Note that the end tag for TD is optional so this is valid).


It's a typo... The closing TD tags are missing.

<table border="1"> 
        <td colspan="5"> hi --> close your tags here --> </td>
        <td colspan="3"> hi </td> 
        <td colspan="3"> hi </td> 
        <td colspan="5"> hi </td> 

Missing closing tags for <td>.

<table border="1"> 
        <td colspan="5"> hi </td> 
        <td colspan="3"> hi </td> 
        <td colspan="3"> hi </td> 
        <td colspan="5"> hi </td> 

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