I am using a wordpress theme with two sidebars. I want to disable one for them for a specific page but the code I found regarding disabling sidebar by applying check on function:

<?php get_sidebar() ?>

It will disable both of them. How can I disable one of them only. with the other sidebar working.

Please help!!!!

  • I am using Contentville theme
    – Rajat
    Feb 17, 2012 at 7:04

1 Answer 1


You can simply for example

<?php if (!is_page('about-me')) get_sidebar(); ?>

This will disable sidebar on about me page. If you put this on page.php (if have any) otherwise put this on index.php. Here 'about-me' is page slug but you can also use page id like is_page(5) and as well as page title too. To check multiple page using slug, id and title you can use an array like


For more about is_page() function see http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/is_page

Or using filter in functions.php, simply put this in functions.php

function disable_footer_widgets( $sidebars_widgets )
    if (is_single())
        $sidebars_widgets['footer'] = false;
    return $sidebars_widgets;
add_filter( 'sidebars_widgets', 'disable_footer_widgets' );

This is just an example, you have to change widget name.

  • You don't get my question. I want to disable only one widget and display the other. But your code is for disabling all the widgets i have already done that...
    – Rajat
    Feb 17, 2012 at 7:36

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