I have a p:commandLink which launches a dialog on click. Further there is an action, which must be executed before launching the dialog, as the dialog depends on the content the action populates.

How can I run the action before launching the popup without javascript?

<p:commandLink action="#{service.computePrefetch(_var)}" onclick="dlg.show()"/>

1 Answer 1


With the oncomplete attribute and the ajax update attribute.

<p:commandLink action="#{service.computePrefetch(_var)}" update="dlgId" oncomplete="dlg.show()"/>

Execution order:


BalusC posted a detailed sequence Execution order of events when pressing PrimeFaces p:commandButton

  • its not working in my case here is my code <h:commandLink title="File" action="#{service.fetchDetail(row.sNo)}" update="DlgId" oncomplete="PF('Dlg').show()" />
    – Hassan
    Commented Oct 6, 2015 at 8:04

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