As described in the documentation, eval()
also has globals
and locals
keyword arguments which can be used to limit the functions that are available through the eval
function. For example, if you load up a fresh Python interpreter the locals()
and globals()
will be the same and look something like this:
>>> globals()
{'__loader__': <class '_frozen_importlib.BuiltinImporter'>, '__doc__': None,
'__spec__': None, '__builtins__': <module 'builtins' (built-in)>,
'__package__': None, '__name__': '__main__'}
There are certainly functions within the builtins
module that can do significant damage to a system. But it is possible to block anything and everything we don't want available. Say we want to construct a list to represent a domain of the available cores on a system. For me I have 8 cores, so I would want a list [1, 8]
>>> from os import cpu_count
>>> eval('[1, cpu_count()]')
[1, 8]
Likewise all of __builtins__
is available.
>>> eval('abs(-1)')
Let's try blocking access to any globals:
>>> eval('[1, cpu_count()]', {'__builtins__':None}, {})
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
We have effectively blocked all of the __builtins__
functions and as such brought a level of protection into our system. At this point we can start to add back in functions that we do want exposed.
>>>from os import cpu_count
>>>exposed_methods = {'cpu_count': cpu_count}
>>>eval('cpu_count()', {'__builtins__':None}, exposed_methods)
>>>eval('abs(cpu_count())', {'__builtins__':None}, exposed_methods)
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable
Now we have the cpu_count
function available while still blocking everything we do not want. In my opinion, this is super powerful and clearly from the scope of the other answers, not a common implementation. There are numerous uses for something like this and as long as it is handled correctly, I personally feel eval
can be safely used to great value.
Something else that is cool about these kwargs
is that you can start to use shorthand for your code. Let's say you use eval as part of a pipeline to execute some imported text. The text doesn't need to have exact code, it can follow some template file format, and still execute anything you'd like. For example:
>>> from os import cpu_count
>>> eval('[1,cores]', {'__builtins__': None}, {'cores': cpu_count()})
[1, 8]