According to MSDN, Monitor.Wait():

Releases the lock on an object and blocks the current thread until it reacquires the lock.

However, everything I have read about Wait() and Pulse() seems to indicate that simply releasing the lock on another thread is not enough. I need to call Pulse() first to wake up the waiting thread.

My question is why? Threads waiting for the lock on a Monitor.Enter() just get it when it's released. There is no need to "wake them up". It seems to defeat the usefulness of Wait().


static object _lock = new Object();

static void Main()
    new Thread(Count).Start();

    lock (_lock)
         Console.WriteLine("Main thread grabbed lock");
         Monitor.Pulse(_lock) //Why is this required when we're about to release the lock anyway?

static void Count()
    lock (_lock)
        int count = 0;

            Writeline("Count: " + count++);

            //give other threads a chance every 10th iteration
            if (count % 10 == 0)

If I use Exit() and Enter() instead of Wait() I can do:

static object _lock = new Object();

static void Main()
    new Thread(Count).Start();

    lock (_lock) Console.WriteLine("Main thread grabbed lock");

static void Count()
    lock (_lock)
        int count = 0;

            Writeline("Count: " + count++);

            //give other threads a chance every 10th iteration
            if (count % 10 == 0)

3 Answers 3


You use Enter / Exit to acquire exclusive access to a lock.

You use Wait / Pulse to allow co-operative notification: I want to wait for something to occur, so I enter the lock and call Wait; the notifying code will enter the lock and call Pulse.

The two schemes are related, but they're not trying to accomplish the same thing.

Consider how you'd implement a producer/consumer queue where the consumer can say "Wake me up when you've got an item for me to consume" without something like this.

  • I suspect I'd use an AutoResetEvent. Does Wait/Pulse give me something extra? Commented Feb 24, 2012 at 11:37
  • 4
    @GazTheDestroyer: IMO, AutoResetEvent is much safer to use. If Wait/Pulse synchronization is not implemented carefully, your waiting thread can easily miss the pulse and continue waiting forever.
    – vgru
    Commented Feb 24, 2012 at 11:44
  • 1
    @GazTheDestroyer: Personally I prefer Wait/Pulse, and I believe they're more efficient in some cases. Contrary to Groo, I find it easier to write code which doesn't have race conditions for Wait/Pulse, precisely because both Wait and Pulse have to be called within the context of a thread which already owns the monitor.
    – Jon Skeet
    Commented Feb 24, 2012 at 11:47
  • 16
    @GazTheDestroyer: You ask what Wait/Pulse gives you that AutoResetEvent does not. It gives you the ability to write AutoResetEvent is what it does. Complex gates like auto reset events have to be built out of something and if the framework does not happen to provide the flavour of complex gate that you personally need, what parts are you going to build it out of if there's no Wait and Pulse? Commented Feb 24, 2012 at 16:54
  • 1
    @EricLippert Except AutoResetEvent does not call the 'Monitor' or 'Pulse' methods.. so while they may use the same kernel internals somewhere down the line, Monitor/Pulse are not strictly 'required methods' for such an AutoResetEvent implementation. Commented Jun 21, 2018 at 3:30

I myself had this same doubt, and despite some interesting answers (some of them present here), I still kept searching for a more convincing answer.

I think an interesting and simple thought on this matter would be: I can call Monitor.Wait(lockObj) at a particular moment in which no other thread is waiting to acquire a lock on the lockObj object. I just want to wait for something to happen (some object's state to change, for instance), which is something I know that will happen eventually, on some other thread. As soon as this condition is achieved, I want to be able to reacquire the lock as soon as the other thread releases its lock.

By the definition of the Monitor.Wait method, it releases the lock and tries to acquire it again. If it didn't wait for the Monitor.Pulse method to be called before trying to acquire the lock again, it would simply release the lock and immediately acquire it again (depending on your code, possibly in loop).

That is, I think it's interesting trying to understand the need of the Monitor.Pulse method by looking at its usefulness in the functioning of the Monitor.Wait method.

Think like this: "I don't want to release this lock and immediately try to acquire it again, because I DON'T WANT to be ME the next thread to acquire this lock. And I also don't want to stay in a loop containing a call to Thread.Sleep checking some flag or something in order to know when the condition I'm waiting for has been achieved so that I can try to reacquire the lock. I just want to 'hibernate' and be awaken automatically, as soon as someone tells me the condition I'm waiting for has been achieved.".

  • 1
    Thanks, it's important to know that the "Monitor.Wait" release the lock, that was confusing me Commented Jul 6, 2021 at 17:54

Read the Remarks section of the linked MSDN page:

When a thread calls Wait, it releases the lock on the object and enters the object's waiting queue. The next thread in the object's ready queue (if there is one) acquires the lock and has exclusive use of the object. All threads that call Wait remain in the waiting queue until they receive a signal from Pulse or PulseAll, sent by the owner of the lock. If Pulse is sent, only the thread at the head of the waiting queue is affected. If PulseAll is sent, all threads that are waiting for the object are affected. When the signal is received, one or more threads leave the waiting queue and enter the ready queue. A thread in the ready queue is permitted to reacquire the lock.

This method returns when the calling thread reacquires the lock on the object. Note that this method blocks indefinitely if the holder of the lock does not call Pulse or PulseAll.

So, basically, when you call Monitor.Wait, your thread is in the waiting queue. For it to re-acquire the lock, it needs to be in the ready queue. Monitor.Pulse moves the first thread in the waiting queue to the ready queue and thus allows for it to re-acquire the lock.

  • 2
    Yeah, but WHY separate "waiting" and "ready" queues? What advantage does it give to offset the disadvantage of an extra call I have to make? Commented Feb 24, 2012 at 11:30
  • 1
    +1 for waiting queue: See also here for a simple graphical explanation.
    – AlexS
    Commented Feb 24, 2012 at 11:33
  • @GazTheDestroyer If you'd not use the waiting queue you would have to do active polling. For many situations this is not desireable and inefficent. See Producer-Consumer-Problem with producer and consumer working with different speeds.
    – AlexS
    Commented Feb 24, 2012 at 11:42

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