I am pretty layman to Perl, never used it ...but now I want to use it.

Here is what I did:


I installed universal version -

To test my program is working, I used the following small program :


#i/Perl64/bin/perl -w 
#Example 1-1 Concatenating DNA 


print "Here are two DNA fragments: \n\n"
print $DNA1,  "\n\n"
print $DNA2,  "\n\n"

$DNA3 = "$DNA1$$DNA2"
print "$DNA3\n\n

When I try to execute it the following is command prompt with errors.

enter image description here

Sorry for too basic question...


When I just type dnacon.plx, it is seems that it is working, but with error !!! 


Scalar found where operator expected at C:\myperllessions\dnacon.plx line 5, nea
r "$DNA2"
        (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
syntax error at C:\myperllessions\dnacon.plx line 5, near "$DNA2 "
Execution of C:\myperllessions\dnacon.plx aborted due to compilation errors.

Am I good to go ??? What could be the error ...compilation errors ????


I am using the following now : is this correct ?

#i/Perl64/bin -w 


I changed my script to following:

#i/Perl64/bin -w 
#Example 1-1 Concatenating DNA 
use strict; 
use warnings;

print "Here are two DNA fragments: \n\n";
print $DNA1,  "\n\n"; 
print $DNA2,  "\n\n"; 

$DNA3 = "$DNA1$$DNA2"; 
print "$DNA3\n\n";

I got the following error:


Global symbol "$DNA1" requires explicit package name at C:\myperllessions\dnacon
.plx line 5.
Global symbol "$DNA2" requires explicit package name at C:\myperllessions\dnacon
.plx line 6.
Global symbol "$DNA1" requires explicit package name at C:\myperllessions\dnacon
.plx line 9.
Global symbol "$DNA2" requires explicit package name at C:\myperllessions\dnacon
.plx line 10.
Global symbol "$DNA3" requires explicit package name at C:\myperllessions\dnacon
.plx line 12.
Global symbol "$DNA1" requires explicit package name at C:\myperllessions\dnacon
.plx line 12.
Global symbol "$DNA2" requires explicit package name at C:\myperllessions\dnacon
.plx line 12.
Global symbol "$DNA3" requires explicit package name at C:\myperllessions\dnacon
.plx line 13.
Execution of C:\myperllessions\dnacon.plx aborted due to compilation errors.

Is my problem now with programming knowledge or something to do with installation ?????

  • Does using the full path to perl work? C:\Perl64\bin\perl?
    – Ry-
    Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 15:13
  • C:\Perl64\bin is where the perl.exe is located at
    – jon
    Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 15:19
  • Yes. Does using that instead of just typing perl work?
    – Ry-
    Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 15:19
  • I tried both C:\Perl64\bin\ and C:\Perl64\bin same error message
    – jon
    Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 15:25
  • 1
    @JohnC Well, you do need semi-colons to end the statements in your code... And you might want to use strict; use warnings;. In your concatenation, you refer to $$DNA2, which of course is incorrect, as it will try to dereference TTTTGGGTTTGAAAT into a scalar variable. Nonetheless, it should recognize perl as a command.
    – TLP
    Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 15:45

3 Answers 3


To get perl to be recognized, you must add C:\Perl64\bin to the PATH environment variable. Go to Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables. Edit the line containing PATH in the top box marked User variables for <user>, and add ;C:\Perl64\bin (note the semicolon) to the end. Be sure not to corrupt anything that's already there.

The problems you are left with in your latest edit - Global symbol requires explicit package name - are because you have added use strict (a very good thing to do) and you haven't declared your variables. Also the line #i/Perl64/bin -w won't do anything and may as well be removed. Write this instead

use strict; 
use warnings;


print "Here are two DNA fragments: \n\n";
print $DNA1,  "\n\n"; 
print $DNA2,  "\n\n"; 

my $DNA3 = "$DNA1$$DNA2"; 
print "$DNA3\n\n";
  • nice ...my first lession is helping me to create curiousity for the language...I did not get results in last command - my $DNA3 = "$DNA1$$DNA2"; print "$DNA3\n\n"; there is an error " Can't use string ("TTTTGGGTTTGAAAT") as a SCALAR ref while "strict refs" in use at C:\myperllessions\dnacon1.plx line 11."
    – jon
    Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 16:29
  • That line should be updated, either with my $DNA3 = "$DNA1\$$DNA2"; or with my $DNA3 = "$DNA1$"."$DNA2" (would prefer the first one). The reason why it gives an error is because parser tries to interpolate the longest string available - effectively ${$DNA2}, the symbolic reference, which is effectively disabled earlier (by use strict).
    – raina77ow
    Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 16:41
  • I suppose it was just a typo, though, as you'd probably intend to just concatenate both strings. Then, again, you may write as my $DNA3 = "$DNA1$DNA2"; or, a bit more readable, my $DNA3 = $DNA1 . $DNA2;
    – raina77ow
    Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 16:46
  • And, by the way, you probably want to write #! instead of #i. The first is so-called hash-bang, used to indicate what program should be used to process the file; afaik, it's of little use at Win platform, though.
    – raina77ow
    Commented Feb 26, 2012 at 16:49

Did you try out Strawberry perl? It takes care of setting up the environment vars for you.


An environment variable may not be set up yet. Since I no longer use Windows, I cannot give you the exact step by step instructions, but I can tell you, that somewhere in System Properties, you'll find a place to edit the environment variables. Edit the path variable and append 'C:\Perl64\bin\' to it.

P.S.:This is assuming that when you cd to the said path, you are able to run the perl program. If not, something is wrong with the installation. Try re-installing Perl.

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