I'm trying to show multiple images in a component's tooltip, found createToolTip() and implemented a custom that adds the needed components like this:


JPanel images = new JPanel(null);
images.setLayout(new BoxLayout(images, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
for(ImageIcon icon:myIcons) {
    images.add(new JLabel(icon));

JPanel content = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
content.add(new JLabel(title), BorderLayout.NORTH);
content.add(new JLabel(description));
content.add(images, BorderLayout.SOUTH);


However, all I see is a little dot, indicating that the tool tip is shown, but somehow the size is ignored. What do I miss implementing a custom tooltip?


5 Answers 5


Tool tips can render HTML. If you can form URLs to the images (not practical if they are generated in memory but usually doable otherwise), it is an easy matter to write some HTML that will load the images, and use that HTML as the tool tip.



import javax.swing.*;

class MultiIconToolTip {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        final String html =
            "<html><body>" +
            "<img src='" +
            "https://i.sstatic.net/OVOg3.jpg" +
            "' width=160 height=120> " +
            "<img src='" +
            "https://i.sstatic.net/lxthA.jpg" +
            "' width=160 height=120>" +
            "<p>Look Ma, no hands!";
        SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                JLabel hover = new JLabel("Point at me!");
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, hover);

The base "problems" are that JToolTip

  • is-not designed as a container, it's only accidentally a container because JComponent is. For a Swing "not-container" its the responsibility of the ui-delegate to act as LayoutManager.
  • isn't rich enough, it can handle text-only (at least with the emergency door html, which is @Andrew's favourite :-)

By-passing those limitations basically is a driving that widget nearly over the edge. A clean solution would roll a new component .. On the other hand, the OP already found the screws to tweak. The only thingy that could be slightly improved is to neither call setXXSize, nor set a custom ui. Instead, make it behave like a container by overriding getXXSize() like:

public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
    if (getLayout() != null) {
        return getLayout().preferredLayoutSize(this);
    return super.getPreferredSize();
  • 3
    Great! I added !isPreferredSizeSet() to the condition and are now using this variant! Commented Mar 2, 2012 at 19:48
  • And I see how the JToolTip is not really designed to do this, but don't quite understand why. As I see it, tooltips explain a component, but can even provide additional Info: I can see from the toolbar icon that the button print the document, but the tooltip additionally tells me that the acellerator is Ctrl+P. Facing that the tooltip may legitimately enhance a component's meaning, limiting it to text is surely historical? (Just wanted to get that out, no need to discuss a "philosophic" question here ;)) Commented Mar 2, 2012 at 19:55
  • 1
    +1, this answer took me back to Swing Tutorials, seems like I missed too much, by reading this answer :-)
    – nIcE cOw
    Commented Mar 5, 2012 at 17:32

I'd suggest to using JWindow or un_decorated JDialog, as popup window (used by default for JCalendar or JDatePicker) rather than JTooltip, for nicer output to the GUI implements Translucent and Shaped Windows

NOTE: If you use JDK 1.6 or older, use this method instead. It only works with SUN JDK.

  • "EDIT": I just took Oracle's transparency source and added the shape source portion, so you have both in a short demo class: pastebin.com/pcPArzRH Commented Apr 12, 2016 at 10:29

There are essentially two things missing. First of all, JToolTip extends JComponent, and unlike JPanel, it doesn't have a default layout. To stretch the content across the tooltip, use a BorderLayout.

setLayout(new BorderLayout());

The second problem is the size. The ToolTipManager respects the preferred size of the tool tip. While the BorderLayout calculates the size, the ToolTipUI ignores it. So, there are two alternatives: Manually set the preferred size...


Note that this does not make the layout obsolete; otherwise, you get an empty tool tip with the right size.

... or subclass ToolTipUI to respect the layout, which is what I went with. The resulting code is:


JPanel images = new JPanel(null);
waren.setLayout(new BoxLayout(waren, BoxLayout.X_AXIS));
for(ImageIcon icon:myIcons) {
    JLabel lbl = new JLabel(icon);

JPanel content = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
content.add(new JLabel(title), BorderLayout.NORTH);
content.add(new JLabel(description));
content.add(images, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

setLayout(new BorderLayout());
setUI(new ToolTipUI() {
    public Dimension getMinimumSize(JComponent c) {
        return c.getLayout().minimumLayoutSize(c);

    public Dimension getPreferredSize(JComponent c) {
        return c.getLayout().preferredLayoutSize(c);

    public Dimension getMaximumSize(JComponent c) {
        return getPreferredSize(c);

Instead of reinventing the wheel try this: https://github.com/timmolderez/balloontip. You can put any content as JComponent.

  • 1
    With the demise of java.net, I believe that BalloonTip is now on github.
    – Pixelstix
    Commented Sep 29, 2017 at 20:21

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