I am in agreement that JSUnit is kind of dying on the vine. We just finished up replacing it with YUI Test.
Similar to the example using qUnit, we are running the tests using Selenium. We are running this test independently from our other Selenium tests simply because it does not have the dependencies that the normal UI regression tests have (e.g. deploying the application to a server).
To start out, we have a base JavaScript file that is included in all of our test HTML files. This handles setting up the YUI instance, the test runner, the YUI.Test.Suite object as well as the Test.Case. It has methods that can be accessed via Selenium to run the test suite, check to see if the test runner is still running (results are not available until after it's done), and get the test results (we chose JSON format):
var yui_instance; // The YUI instance
var runner; // The YAHOO.Test.Runner
var Assert; // An instance of YAHOO.Test.Assert to save coding
var testSuite; // The YAHOO.Test.Suite that will get run.
* Sets the required value for the name property on the given template, creates
* and returns a new YUI Test.Case object.
* @param template the template object containing all of the tests
function setupTestCase(template) {
template.name = "jsTestCase";
var test_case = new yui_instance.Test.Case(template);
return test_case;
* Sets up the test suite with a single test case using the given
* template.
* @param template the template object containing all of the tests
function setupTestSuite(template) {
var test_case = setupTestCase(template);
testSuite = new yui_instance.Test.Suite("Bond JS Test Suite");
* Runs the YAHOO.Test.Suite
function runTestSuite() {
runner = yui_instance.Test.Runner;
Assert = yui_instance.Assert;
* Used to see if the YAHOO.Test.Runner is still running. The
* test results are not available until it is done running.
function isRunning() {
return runner.isRunning();
* Gets the results from the YAHOO.Test.Runner
function getTestResults() {
return runner.getResults(yui_instance.Test.Format.JSON);
As for the Selenium side of things, we used a parameterized test. We run our tests in both Internet Explorer and Firefox in the data method, parsing the test results into a list of Object arrays with each array containing the browser name, the test file name, the test name, the result (pass, fail or ignore) and the message.
The actual test just asserts the test result. If it is not equal to "pass" then it fails the test with the message returned from the YUI Test result.
public static List<Object[]> data() throws Exception {
yui_test_codebase = "file:///c://myapppath/yui/tests";
List<Object[]> testResults = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
pageNames = new ArrayList<String>();
return testResults;
* Creates a Selenium instance for the given browser, and runs each
* YUI Test page.
* @param aBrowser
* @return
private static List<Object[]> runJSTestsInBrowser(Browser aBrowser) {
String yui_test_codebase = "file:///c://myapppath/yui/tests/";
String browser_bot = "this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow()"
List<Object[]> testResults = new ArrayList<Object[]>();
selenium = new DefaultSelenium(APPLICATION_SERVER, REMOTE_CONTROL_PORT, aBrowser.getCommand(), yui_test_codebase);
try {
* Run the test here
for (String page_name : pageNames) {
selenium.open(yui_test_codebase + page_name);
//Wait for the YAHOO instance to be available
selenium.waitForCondition(browser_bot + ".yui_instance != undefined", "10000");
selenium.getEval("dom=runYUITestSuite(" + browser_bot + ")");
// Output from the tests is not available until
// the YAHOO.Test.Runner is done running the suite
selenium.waitForCondition("!" + browser_bot + ".isRunning()", "10000");
String output = selenium.getEval("dom=getYUITestResults(" + browser_bot + ")");
JSONObject results = JSONObject.fromObject(output);
JSONObject test_case = results.getJSONObject("jsTestCase");
JSONArray testCasePropertyNames = test_case.names();
Iterator itr = testCasePropertyNames.iterator();
* From the output, build an array with the following:
* Test file
* Test name
* status (result)
* message
while(itr.hasNext()) {
String name = (String)itr.next();
if(name.startsWith("test")) {
JSONObject testResult = test_case.getJSONObject(name);
String test_name = testResult.getString("name");
String test_result = testResult.getString("result");
String test_message = testResult.getString("message");
Object[] testResultObject = {aBrowser.getCommand(), page_name, test_name, test_result, test_message};
} finally {
// If an exception is thrown, this will guarantee that the selenium instance
// is shut down properly
selenium = null;
return testResults;
* Inspects each test result and fails if the testResult was not "pass"
public void inspectTestResults() {
if(!this.testResult.equalsIgnoreCase("pass")) {
fail(String.format(MESSAGE_FORMAT, this.browser, this.pageName, this.testName, this.message));