I want to extract from the command ping -c 4 www.stackoverflow.com | tail -1| awk '{print $4}'
the average time.
107.921/108.929/110.394/0.905 ms
Output should be: 108.929
One way is to just add a cut to what you have there.
ping -c 4 www.stackoverflow.com | tail -1| awk '{print $4}' | cut -d '/' -f 2
ping -c 4 www.stackoverflow.com | tail -1| awk -F '/' '{print $5}'
would work fine.
"-F" option is used to specify the field separator.
: ping -c 4 www.stackoverflow.com | awk -F '/' 'END {print $5}'
Apr 2, 2015 at 5:19
This might work for you:
ping -c 4 www.stackoverflow.com | sed '$!d;s|.*/\([0-9.]*\)/.*|\1|'
The following solution uses Bash only (requires Bash 3):
[[ $(ping -q -c 4 www.example.com) =~ \ =\ [^/]*/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*ms ]] \
&& echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
For the regular expression it's easier to read (and handle) if it is stored in a variable:
regex='= [^/]*/([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*ms'
[[ $(ping -q -c 4 www.example.com) =~ $regex ]] && echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
Promoting luissquall's very elegent comment to an answer:
ping -c 4 www.stackoverflow.com | awk -F '/' 'END {print $5}'
Direct extract mean time from ping command:
ping -w 4 -q www.duckduckgo.com | cut -d "/" -s -f5
-w time out 4 seconds
-q quite mode
-d delimiter
-s skip line without delimiter
-f No. of field - depends on your system - sometimes 5th, sometimes 4th
I personly use is this way:
if [ $(ping -w 2 -q www.duckduckgo.com | cut -d "/" -s -f4 | cut -d "." -f1) -lt 20 ]; then
echo "good response time"
echo "bad response time"
Use these to get current ping as a single number:
ping -w1 -c1 | tail -1| cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d '/' -f 2
ping -w1 -c1 | tail -1| cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d '/' -f 2 | cut -d '.' -f 1
Note that this displays the average of only 1 ping (-c1
), you can increase the sample size by increasing this number (i.e. -c1337
This avoids using awk (like @Buggabill posted), which doesn't play nice in bash aliases + takes a nanosecond longer
None of these worked well for me due to various issues such as when a timeout occurs. I only wanted to see bad ping times or timeouts and wanted PING to continue quickly, and none of these solutions worked. Here's my BASH script that works well to do both. Note that in the ping command, response time is limited to 1 second.
I realize this does not directly answer the OP's question, however it does provide a good way to deal with some issues that occur with some of the incomplete "solutions" provided here, thus going beyond the scope of the OPs question, which others coming here are looking for (I cite myself as an example), so I decided to share for those people, not specifically OP's question.
while true
###Set your IP amd max milliseconds###
###do not edit below###
err="100% packet loss"
out="$(ping -c 1 -i 1 -w 1 $ip)"
t="$(echo $out | awk -F '/' 'END {print $5}')"
if ! [[ $t =~ $re ]] ; then
if [[ $out == *"$err"* ]] ; then
echo "`date` | ${ip}: TIMEOUT"
echo "error: Not a number: ${t} was found in: ${out}"
if [ "$t" -gt $maxms ]; then
echo "`date` | ${ip}: ${t} ms"