For some reason, I can't get pyglet to draw sprites. Here's my code:
import pyglet
game = pyglet.window.Window(640, 480, "I'm a window")
batch =
pyglet.resource.path = ["."]
image = pyglet.resource.image("hextile.png")
pyglet.sprite.Sprite(image, x=200, y=300, batch=batch)
pyglet.text.Label('DING', font_name='Arial', font_size=24, x=100, y=100, batch=batch)
def on_draw():
#image.blit(0, 0)
Now, when I draw the batch, the text label is shown correctly. I see "DING" on the window. However, the image "hextile.png" is not shown. I tried drawing the sprite independently, but that didn't work either. Blitting the image (as shown in the commented line), however, seems to work just fine, but obviously that's not quite the functionality I'm after here. I can't figure this one out. What am I missing?