You have to import the header of the class that contains the method you want to use (ClassYouWantToUse.h) into the class you want to use it at (TargetClass).
Inside the TargetClass.h or TargetClass.m (depending on the scope you want to give it):
#import "ClassYouWantToUse.h"
Then create an instance of the class you want to use inside the target class either as a property like this:
@property (nonatomic,strong) ClassYouWantToUse *classObject;
Or as an instance variable like this:
ClassYouWantToUse *classObject;
Make sure you initialize it! (usually inside ViewDidLoad):
classObject = [[ClassYouWantToUse alloc] init];
Now you can call any public methods from that class like this:
[classObject theClassMethodWithParam:param1 andSecondParam:param2];
Note: The ClassYouWantToUse class must have the methods that you want to make accessible to others by declaring them in the header file:
- (void)theClassMethodWithParam:(UIImage*)someImage andSecondParam:(NSString*)someText;
Otherwise you won't be able to see these methods.
Theres really nothing special about it in swift, just adding this as a reference.
In swift you simply create an instance of the class you want to use:
let classObject = ClassYouWantToUse()
And use it directly:
classObject.theClassMethodWithParam(param1, andSecondParam:param2)