I'm currently developing a web application using HTML5 and jQuery for iPad Safari. I'm running into a problem wherein large scroll areas cause the elements that are offscreen to appear after a delay when I scroll down to them.
What I mean by that is, if I have a row of images (or even a div with a gradient) that is offscreen, when I scroll down (or up) to it, the expected behavior is for the element to appear on screen as I am scrolling to it.
However, the element does not appear until I lift my finger off the screen and the scroller finishes all its animations.
This is causing a super noticeable problem for me, making the whole thing look choppy, although it is not. I'm guessing the iPad Safari is trying to do something to save memory. Is there a way in which I can prevent this choppy-ness from happening?
Additionally, what is iPad Safari actually trying to do?
elements which were exhibiting similar delayed drawing/rendering. Unfortunately,*:not(html) { ... }
led to all sorts of weird behaviors, as @JonathanTonge pointed out might occur. However, selecting only the<svg>
elements and usingtranslate3d(0, 0, 0,);
seems to have solved my scrolling issues.