I am creating a calculator application for all types of mathematical algorithms. However, I want to identify if a root is complex and then have an exception for it. I came up with this:

if x == complex():
    print("Error 05: Complex Root")

However, nothing is identified or printed when I run the app, knowing that x is a complex root.

  • Are the indents exactly as in your question? Is there any error? Could you add else part of if statement? What about complex()? Shouldn't you pass an argument to it and return True or False?
    – Tadeck
    Commented Mar 21, 2012 at 23:57
  • 2
    Wait a second - what if a complex root is not an error? Sometimes that's the right answer. Are you sure it should be flagged as an error?
    – duffymo
    Commented Mar 22, 2012 at 0:02

5 Answers 5


I'm not 100% sure what you're asking, but if you want to check if a variable is of complex type you can use isinstance. For example,

x = 5j
if isinstance(x, complex):
    print 'X is complex'


X is complex
>>> isinstance(1j, complex)

Try this:

if isinstance(x, complex):
    print("Error 05: Complex Root")

This prints error for 2 + 0j, 3j, but does not print anything for 2, 2.12 etc.

Also think about throwing an error (ValueError or TypeError) when the variable is complex.


In NumPy v1.15, a function is included: numpy.iscomplex(x)

where x is the number, that is to be identified.

  • There is also numpy.iscomplexobj, which is what I needed in my case.
    – nikojpapa
    Commented Jan 26, 2021 at 18:14

One way to do it could be to do,

if type(x) == complex():
    print("Error 05: Complex Root")

As others have pointed out, isinstance works too

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