So let's say I have this array:

$requiredFruit= @("apple","pear","nectarine","grape")

And I'm given a second array called $fruitIHave. How can I check that $fruitIHave has everything in $requiredFruit. It doesn't matter if there are more items in $fruitIHave just as long as everything in $requiredFruit is there.

I know I could just iterate over the list, but that seems inefficient, is there a built-in method for doing this?

4 Answers 4


Do you try Compare-Object :

$requiredFruit= @("apple","pear","nectarine","grape")
$HaveFruit= @("apple","pin","nectarine","grape")
Compare-Object $requiredFruit $haveFruit
InputObject                                                 SideIndicator
-----------                                                 -------------
pin                                                         =>
pear                                                        <=

Compare-Object $requiredFruit $haveFruit | where {$_.sideindicator -eq "<="} | % {$_.inputobject}
  • 1
    Same without requiring where filter: Compare-Object $requiredFruit $HaveFruit -PassThru -ExcludeDifferent -IncludeEqual
    – Dirk
    Commented Mar 30, 2018 at 9:05
  • @Dirk Won't work, this will return the intersection of $requiredFruit and $haveFruit, instead of the complement of $haveFruit in $requiredFruit. This however would work: $requiredFruit.Where{$_ -notin $haveFruit} Commented Jul 17, 2019 at 8:53

If you have the arrays:

$requiredFruit= @("apple","pear","nectarine","grape")
$someFruit= @("apple","banana","pear","nectarine","orange","grape")
$moreFruit= @("apple","banana","nectarine","grape")

You can get a boolean result with:

'Check $someFruit for $requiredFruit'
-not @($requiredFruit| where {$someFruit -notcontains $_}).Count

'Check $moreFruit for $requiredFruit'
-not @($requiredFruit| where {$moreFruit -notcontains $_}).Count

Using the count of an array protects against a single value not matching that evaluates as False. For example:

# Incorrect result
-not (0| where {(1,2) -notcontains $_})

# Correct result
-not @(0| where {(1,2) -notcontains $_}).Count

With PowerShell v3, you can use select -first 1 to stop the pipeline when the first mismatch is found (in v2 select -first 1 allows only one object through, but previous elements of the pipeline continue to process).

-not @($requiredFruit| where {$moreFruit -notcontains $_}| select -first 1).Count

Not exactly "builtin" but:

[regex] $RF_regex = ‘(?i)^(‘ + (($requiredFruit |foreach {[regex]::escape($_)}) –join “|”) + ‘)$’

($fruitIHave -match $RF_regex).count -eq $requiredFruit.count

That creates an alternating regex from the elements of $requiredFruit. Matched against $fruitIHave, it will return all the items that matched. If $fruitIhave could potentially have duplicates of the same fruit you may need to run that match result through get-unique before you do the count. It may be slower than iterating over the list for a single comparison, but once you have the regex built it will do repetitive matches very efficiently.


One way or the other, you're going to have to iterate through one or both arrays. Here's a one-liner approach:

$hasAllRequiredFruit = ($requiredFruit | Where-Object { $fruitIHave -contains $_ }).Length -eq $requiredFruit.Length;

A foreach loop would be better because you can stop iterating as soon as you find a required fruit that is missing:

$hasAllRequiredFruit = $true;
foreach ($f in $requiredFruit)
    if ($fruitIHave -notcontains $f)
       $hasAllRequiredFruit = $false;


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