I'm trying to load a gif image from a url into a java.util.image.Raster so I can manipulate it. The only method for loading and decompressing an image I could find was Toolkit.getImage, which returns a java.awt.Image. I need to turn that into a Raster so I can work with it. Suggestions?

2 Answers 2


Load your Image into a Buffered Image and then get the data from it

BufferedImage img = null;
try {
   img = ImageIO.read(new File ("c:/imageFile.gif"));
} catch(Exception e) {}

Raster R=img.getData();

if you just want to draw on this image, you can get a Graphics2D context, from your BufferedImage.

Graphics2D g=(Graphics2D) image.getGraphics();
//draw over your image
//save your image, display it, etc...

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