This is a great modelling problem. I have the following recommendations/ ideas:
- Split the image to RGB then process.
- pre-processing.
- Dynamic parameter search.
- Add constraints.
- Be sure about what you are trying to detect.
In more detail:
1: As noted in other answers, converting straight to grayscale discards too much information - any circles with a similar brightness to the background will be lost. Much better to consider the colour channels either in isolation or in a different colour space. There are pretty much two ways to go here: perform HoughCircles
on each pre-processed channel in isolation, then combine results, or, process the channels, then combine them, then operate HoughCircles
. In my attempt below, I've tried the second method, splitting to RGB channels, processing, then combining. Be wary of over saturating the image when combining, I use cv.And
to avoid this issue (at this stage my circles are always black rings/discs on white background).
2: Pre-processing is quite tricky, and something its often best to play around with. I've made use of AdaptiveThreshold
which is a really powerful convolution method that can enhance edges in an image by thresholding pixels based on their local average (similar processes also occur in the early pathway of the mammalian visual system). This is also useful as it reduces some noise. I've used dilate/erode
with only one pass. And I've kept the other parameters how you had them. It seems using Canny
before HoughCircles
does help a lot with finding 'filled circles', so probably best to keep it in. This pre-processing is quite heavy and can lead to false positives with somewhat more 'blobby circles', but in our case this is perhaps desirable?
3: As you've noted HoughCircles parameter param2
(your parameter LOW
) needs to be adjusted for each image in order to get an optimal solution, in fact from the docs:
The smaller it is, the more false circles may be detected.
Trouble is the sweet spot is going to be different for every image. I think the best approach here is to make set a condition and do a search through different param2
values until this condition is met. Your images show non-overlapping circles, and when param2
is too low we typically get loads of overlapping circles. So I suggest searching for the:
maximum number of non-overlapping, and non-contained circles
So we keep calling HoughCircles with different values of param2
until this is met. I do this in my example below, just by incrementing param2
until it reaches the threshold assumption. It would be way faster (and fairly easy to do) if you perform a binary search to find when this is met, but you need to be careful with exception handling as opencv often throws a errors for innocent looking values of param2
(at least on my installation). A different condition that would we very useful to match against would be the number of circles.
4: Are there any more constraints we can add to the model? The more stuff we can tell our model the easy a task we can make it to detect circles. For example, do we know:
- The number of circles. - even an upper or lower bound is helpful.
- Possible colours of the circles, or of the background, or of 'non-circles'.
- Their sizes.
- Where they can be in an image.
5: Some of the blobs in your images could only loosely be called circles! Consider the two 'non-circular blobs' in your second image, my code can't find them (good!), but... if I 'photoshop' them so they are more circular, my code can find them... Maybe if you want to detect things that are not circles, a different approach such as Tim Lukins
may be better.
By doing heavy pre-processing AdaptiveThresholding
and `Canny' there can be a lot of distortion to features in an image, which may lead to false circle detection, or incorrect radius reporting. For example a large solid disc after processing can appear a ring, so HughesCircles may find the inner ring. Furthermore even the docs note that:
...usually the function detects the circles’ centers well, however it may fail to find the correct radii.
If you need more accurate radii detection, I suggest the following approach (not implemented):
- On the original image, ray-trace from reported centre of circle, in an expanding cross (4 rays: up/down/left/right)
- Do this seperately in each RGB channel
- Combine this info for each channel for each ray in a sensible fashion (ie. flip, offset, scale, etc as necessary)
- take the average for the first few pixels on each ray, use this to detect where a significant deviation on the ray occurs.
- These 4 points are estimates of points on the circumference.
- Use these four estimates to determine a more accurate radius, and centre position(!).
- This could be generalised by using an expanding ring instead of four rays.
The code at end does pretty good quite a lot of the time, these examples were done with code as shown:
Detects all circles in your first image:
How the pre-processed image looks before canny filter is applied (different colour circles are highly visible):
Detects all but two (blobs) in second image:
Altered second image (blobs are circle-afied, and large oval made more circular, thus improving detection), all detected:
Does pretty well in detecting centres in this Kandinsky painting (I cannot find concentric rings due to he boundary condition).
import cv
import numpy as np
output = cv.LoadImage('case1.jpg')
orig = cv.LoadImage('case1.jpg')
# create tmp images
rrr=cv.CreateImage((orig.width,orig.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
ggg=cv.CreateImage((orig.width,orig.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
bbb=cv.CreateImage((orig.width,orig.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
processed = cv.CreateImage((orig.width,orig.height), cv.IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1)
storage = cv.CreateMat(orig.width, 1, cv.CV_32FC3)
def channel_processing(channel):
cv.AdaptiveThreshold(channel, channel, 255, adaptive_method=cv.CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C, thresholdType=cv.CV_THRESH_BINARY, blockSize=55, param1=7)
#mop up the dirt
cv.Dilate(channel, channel, None, 1)
cv.Erode(channel, channel, None, 1)
def inter_centre_distance(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return ((x1-x2)**2 + (y1-y2)**2)**0.5
def colliding_circles(circles):
for index1, circle1 in enumerate(circles):
for circle2 in circles[index1+1:]:
x1, y1, Radius1 = circle1[0]
x2, y2, Radius2 = circle2[0]
#collision or containment:
if inter_centre_distance(x1,y1,x2,y2) < Radius1 + Radius2:
return True
def find_circles(processed, storage, LOW):
cv.HoughCircles(processed, storage, cv.CV_HOUGH_GRADIENT, 2, 32.0, 30, LOW)#, 0, 100) great to add circle constraint sizes.
LOW += 1
print 'try'
find_circles(processed, storage, LOW)
circles = np.asarray(storage)
print 'number of circles:', len(circles)
if colliding_circles(circles):
LOW += 1
storage = find_circles(processed, storage, LOW)
print 'c', LOW
return storage
def draw_circles(storage, output):
circles = np.asarray(storage)
print len(circles), 'circles found'
for circle in circles:
Radius, x, y = int(circle[0][2]), int(circle[0][0]), int(circle[0][1])
cv.Circle(output, (x, y), 1, cv.CV_RGB(0, 255, 0), -1, 8, 0)
cv.Circle(output, (x, y), Radius, cv.CV_RGB(255, 0, 0), 3, 8, 0)
#split image into RGB components
#process each component
#combine images using logical 'And' to avoid saturation
cv.And(rrr, ggg, rrr)
cv.And(rrr, bbb, processed)
cv.ShowImage('before canny', processed)
# cv.SaveImage('case3_processed.jpg',processed)
#use canny, as HoughCircles seems to prefer ring like circles to filled ones.
cv.Canny(processed, processed, 5, 70, 3)
#smooth to reduce noise a bit more
cv.Smooth(processed, processed, cv.CV_GAUSSIAN, 7, 7)
cv.ShowImage('processed', processed)
#find circles, with parameter search
storage = find_circles(processed, storage, 100)
draw_circles(storage, output)
# show images
cv.ShowImage("original with circles", output)
before the call toHoughCircles
. Hope that helps.LOW
until you're happy with the number of false positives. Lastly, in case you just want the non-filled circles you might want to add an extra processing step to your program to differentiate between filled and unfilled circles, separate from the Hough transform.