I want do the following

awk 'BEGIN {FS=" ";} {printf "'%s' ", $1}'

But escaping single quote this way does not work

awk 'BEGIN {FS=" ";} {printf "\'%s\' ", $1}'

How to do this? Thanks for help.

  • A number of languages escape quotes by putting two of them in a row, maybe try that. Commented Mar 27, 2012 at 23:08
  • I tried awk 'BEGIN {FS=" ";} {printf "''%s'' ", $1}', but no single quote was printed.
    – user1096734
    Commented Mar 27, 2012 at 23:19
  • This Page says that including a single quote in a single-quoted string is impossible. Maybe you'll have to convert to double quotes. Commented Mar 27, 2012 at 23:24
  • 4
    It is impossible, but two adjacent single-quoted shell strings glue together into one parameter. And two single-quoted shell strings glued by non-whitespace characters also glue into one big glob: 'abc'd'ef' is abcdef: literal plus d plus literal. The d is outside of the quotes, and you can replace that d it with \' to make 'abc'\''ef' which evaluates to abc'ef.
    – Kaz
    Commented Mar 28, 2012 at 1:16

9 Answers 9


This maybe what you're looking for:

awk 'BEGIN {FS=" ";} {printf "'\''%s'\'' ", $1}'

That is, with '\'' you close the opening ', then print a literal ' by escaping it and finally open the ' again.

  • 61
    It has nothing to do with awk. The ' character closes the opening ' shell string literal. The shell literal does not support a backslash escape for this. The sequence '\'' does the trick: it closes the single-quote literal, specifies the quote character (using an escape that is supported outside of single-quote literals) and then re-opens a new single-quote literal. You can think of it as a four-character escape sequence to get a single quote. :)
    – Kaz
    Commented Mar 28, 2012 at 1:14
  • 2
    @Steve: Thanks a lot for your very useful answer. You saved me a lot of headaches! Commented Jun 11, 2014 at 8:12
  • 5
    @syntaxerror What quotes you use for preparing arguments for invoking awk are purely a matter of the command interpreter you are using to compose command lines. The '{printf $2}' gets turned into some argument for an execve system call or similar, where it just looks like a null terminated C string without any single quotes. Awk never sees the quotes, and neither does sed. You can in fact use double-quotes, but double quotes do not prevent the shell's expansion of $2, so you have to escape the dollar sign with a backslash to make it literal: "{printf \$2}".
    – Kaz
    Commented Jun 9, 2015 at 17:44
  • 5
    @syntaxerror By custom, an in-line awk script is usually escaped with single quotes, because awk syntax often contains lexical elements which are special to the shell, such as double quoted string literals, and numbered fields denoted by dollar signs. If a sed regular expression (or whatever) contains shell syntax, you also have to be careful. sed -e "s/$FOO/$BAR/" will not work if the intent is to replace the literal text $FOO with $BAR. The easiest way would be sed -e 's/$FOO/$BAR/.
    – Kaz
    Commented Jun 9, 2015 at 17:49
  • 1
    @syntaxerror If you enclose awk programs in double quotes, you will run into a lot of of escaping, like awk "{ print \"abc\", \$1 }". Any time a double quote appears in the awk program, it has to be escaped so that it doesn't close the shell quote. And compare this: awk '{print "\\"}' (print a backslash) versus what it takes with double quotes: awk "BEGIN {print \"\\\\\" }", Phew! Both quotes have to be escaped, and both backslashes. The shell converts \\ to \ so we need \\\\ to encode \\ .
    – Kaz
    Commented Jun 9, 2015 at 18:19

A single quote is represented using \x27

Like in

awk 'BEGIN {FS=" ";} {printf "\x27%s\x27 ", $1}'


  • 19
    +1, but need to add: \x27 is an extension; POSIX Awk only recognizes \047. (\47 is ok too if not followed by an octal digit.)
    – hemflit
    Commented Jun 24, 2013 at 23:00
  • 1
    How do you end \x27 if you have another number after it? Commented Aug 24, 2013 at 2:51
  • 1
    Jason, you concatenate two string literals: "AAA\x27""1". Or you just use octal.
    – hemflit
    Commented Mar 11, 2014 at 16:46
  • 11
    Always use octal (\047), not hex (\x27), escape codes - see awk.freeshell.org/PrintASingleQuote.
    – Ed Morton
    Commented Aug 1, 2016 at 13:02
  • it's cleaner this way. Commented Nov 9, 2022 at 7:59

Another option is to pass the single quote as an awk variable:

awk -v q=\' 'BEGIN {FS=" ";} {printf "%s%s%s ", q, $1, q}'

Simple example with string concatenation:

# Prints 'test me', *including* the single quotes.
awk -v q=\' '{ print q $0 q }' <<<'test me'
  • 7
    This is clear and concise, especially if you need to use many quotes. Commented Oct 24, 2014 at 6:02
awk 'BEGIN {FS=" "} {printf "\047%s\047 ", $1}'
  • 1
    As long as I remember that \047 is the octal escape sequence for the single-quote character, I find this alternative to be the most readable. Commented Jan 11, 2019 at 17:54

For small scripts, an optional way to make it readable is to use a variable like this:

awk -v fmt="'%s'\n" '{printf fmt, $1}'

I found it convenient in a case where I had to produce many times the single-quote character in the output and the \047 were making it totally unreadable.


When you are using awk in the command line, you don't have to use the BEGIN block to define the field separator (FS) you can only use -F" " like:

awk -F" " {printf "\047%s\047 ", $1}'

saves you some typing. :)

  • single quote is missing '{...
    – ufopilot
    Commented Jun 28, 2022 at 6:19

this is how to print a single quote in awk: "\047"


for i in aA bB cC ; do echo $i | awk '{print "\047"$1"\047"}' ; done


UPDATE 1 : more hands free approach to the $1 single quoting problem :

 1  echo " 123  xyz 456 abc " 


{m,g}awk 'BEGIN { __=_
                  OFS =  sprintf("%c",
                    ++_  +_++*_+_++^++_+_*++_)
            _+=_^= FS  = "^|[[:space:]]+"
      } NF +=_ ==( NF = _)'


mawk has, by far, the most concise syntax to wrap lines in single quotes without a printf statement :

gawk 'NF+=   substr(!_, $2 =$_ ($_=_))' FS='^$' OFS='\47'
nawk '$2 =$-_ substr(_, $-_=_, NF = 3)' FS='^$' OFS='\47'

mawk '$++NF=$_ ($_=_)' FS=^$ OFS=\\47


<( [[[a]]]bc:
              뀿 123=)>


' [[[a]]]bc:
             뀿 123='

I intentionally wrapped it in <(…)> to point out there's leading edge space. The gap in between the two lines is a \f : form feed \014.

That said, this only wraps lines without escaping single quotes within the line itself.

To use sub() instead, it'll look like :

{m,n,g}awk -F'^$' 'sub(".*","\47&\47")'

Another way: awk 'BEGIN {FS=" ";} {printf "%c%s%c ", 39, $1, 39}'

Use %c and give the ASCII code number for single quotes, which is 39. By the way, if you need to print double quotes, the ASCII code is 34!

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    – Community Bot
    Commented Jul 27, 2022 at 17:21

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