I have a scalatra servlet:

post("/asdf") {

And my clients send xml in post body, so I need to extract raw text from request. How do I do it in scalatra?

2 Answers 2


gives you access to the request body. So if it is XML and you want it as a NodeSeq, do:


+1, good question

You have access to Servlet Request via "request" keyword within a Scalatra route, so getInputStream and getContentLength provide access if the post body itself is the xml string; i.e. client is not passing xml stored in named field as part of a form post. If the latter, then the below should do the trick:

post("/foo" && request.getHeader("Accept-Encoding") contains "application/xml") {
  val xml = XML.fromString(params("xml-param-field-name"))

If you want to use above parse from string, see Anti-XML Integration in the Scalatra Book

  • am new to scala and doing this ^^ am getting compilation error on &&/contains. Commented Apr 28, 2017 at 13:33
  • @gursahib.singh.sahni not sure, it's been 5 years since I used Scalatra ;-) Maybe try their Gitter channel Commented Apr 29, 2017 at 10:18

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