What's the best way to pad numbers when printing output in bash, such that the numbers are right aligned down the screen. So this:

00364.txt with 28 words in 0m0.927s
00366.txt with 105 words in 0m2.422s
00367.txt with 168 words in 0m3.292s
00368.txt with 1515 words in 0m27.238

Should be printed like this:

00364.txt with   28 words in 0m0.927s
00366.txt with  105 words in 0m2.422s
00367.txt with  168 words in 0m3.292s
00368.txt with 1515 words in 0m27.238

I'm printing these out line by line from within a for loop. And I will know the upper bound on the number of words in a file (just not right now).

5 Answers 5


For bash, use the printf command with alignment flags.

For example:

printf '..%7s..' 'hello'


..  hello..

Now, use your discretion for your problem.

  • Wow, ok that was pretty easy. I should have just RTFM. I guess I just incorrectly assumed it would be harder than that in bash. Thanks!
    – nedned
    Jun 15, 2009 at 4:21
  • To remove the hard-coded "7" and calculate the padding automatically, see my answer below. Apr 28, 2016 at 19:48
  • The OP specifically asked for right-alignment. But you can also left-align rather than right-align with printf '..%-7s..' 'hello'.
    – mightypile
    May 18, 2022 at 20:08

Here's a little bit clearer example:

for i in 21 137 1517
    printf "...%5d ...\n" "$i"


...   21 ...
...  137 ...
... 1517 ...
  • Also, see this and this. May 25, 2012 at 10:52
  • Dennis: thank you for taking the time to make a clear example, without getting the correct answer points.
    – Jeff Maass
    Sep 18, 2012 at 12:41
  • To remove the hard-coded "5" and calculate the padding automatically, see my answer below. Apr 28, 2016 at 19:45

If you are interested in changing width dynamically, you can use printf's '%*s' feature

printf '%*s' 20 hello

which prints

  • 2
    "dynamically", well, this is shell so I don't see how that's different from printf "%${count}d" hello Jan 27, 2015 at 6:30
  • This is the best answer here, because '%*s' takes into account the length of the string. If you do printf '%*s' $(tput cols) hello, hello will be printed at the far edge of the terminal window.
    – Jonah
    Jan 5, 2018 at 18:10

Here is a combination of answers above which removes the hard-coded string length of 5 characters:

VALUES=( 21 137 1517 2121567251672561 )

# Calculate the length of the longest item in VALUES
for i in "${VALUES[@]}"; do
  [ ${#i} -gt ${MAX} ] && MAX=${#i}

for i in "${VALUES[@]}"; do
  printf "... %*s ...\n" $MAX "$i"


...               21 ...
...              137 ...
...             1517 ...
... 2121567251672561 ...

If you happen to get the number to be formatted from output of another script and you wish to pipe this result to be right align, just utilize xargs:

ls -1 | wc -l | xargs printf "%7d"

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