I want to remove all the white spaces from a given text file.

Is there any shell command available for this ?

Or, how to use sed for this purpose?

I want something like below:

$ cat hello.txt | sed ....

I tried this : cat hello.txt | sed 's/ //g' .

But it removes only spaces, not tabs.


  • 4
    by "all whitespace", do you mean newlines as well? Commented Jun 19, 2013 at 23:54

11 Answers 11

$ man tr
    tr - translate or delete characters

    tr [OPTION]... SET1 [SET2]

   Translate, squeeze, and/or delete characters from standard 
   input, writing to standard output.

In order to wipe all whitespace including newlines you can try:

cat file.txt | tr -d " \t\n\r" 

You can also use the character classes defined by tr (credits to htompkins comment):

cat file.txt | tr -d "[:space:]"

For example, in order to wipe just horizontal white space:

cat file.txt | tr -d "[:blank:]"
  • 24
    You can also use the character classes defined by tr. Examples: To delete all whitespace: cat file.txt | tr -d "[:space:]" To delete all horizontal whitespace: cat file.txt | tr -d "[:blank:]"
    – htompkins
    Commented Jul 24, 2014 at 22:54
  • @user3901666 it will remove whitespace, yes, if the output produced will match what you want is hard to say - what have you tried? Commented Oct 14, 2019 at 6:51

Much simpler to my opinion:

sed -r 's/\s+//g' filename
  • 2
    I've just tried this and it outputs the amended text to STDOUT but doesn't change the file itself. Commented Dec 9, 2013 at 11:23
  • 6
    @MaxWilliams - just use the -i (dash i) flag with sed Commented Sep 13, 2014 at 21:19
  • 2
    This does not remove newlines, not sure if that was wanted by OP. Commented Aug 10, 2016 at 6:49
  • This also removes every instance of the letter S on macOS bash! :)
    – BSUK
    Commented Sep 9, 2022 at 13:23

I think you may use sed to wipe out the space while not losing some infomation like changing to another line.

cat hello.txt | sed '/^$/d;s/[[:blank:]]//g'

To apply into existing file, use following:

sed -i '/^$/d;s/[[:blank:]]//g' hello.txt
  • 4
    Fine, but I don't think I'll be able to bring myself to write tr -d " " < infile.txt > outfile.txt
    – NReilingh
    Commented Oct 3, 2014 at 19:30
  • Hello, this works thanks, but I would appreciate some explaination. Commented May 13, 2016 at 6:07

Try this:

sed -e 's/[\t ]//g;/^$/d' 

(found here)

The first part removes all tabs (\t) and spaces, and the second part removes all empty lines

  • 1
    This actually works. Care to explain sed -e 's/[\t ]//g;/^$/d' particularly /^$/d'. I know ^ is for start of string, $ is for end. /d is for delete when using sed. But how does this interpretation lead of deletion of white spaces? Commented May 13, 2016 at 6:51
  • I added an explanation. ^$ matches an empty line since it's looking for "start of line" (^) and then immediately after, "end of line" ($).
    – keyser
    Commented Jun 4, 2016 at 11:33
  • Removes all instances of letter S on macOS bash.
    – BSUK
    Commented Sep 9, 2022 at 13:26

If you want to remove ALL whitespace, even newlines:

perl -pe 's/\s+//g' file

This answer is similar to other however as some people have been complaining that the output goes to STDOUT i am just going to suggest redirecting it to the original file and overwriting it. I would never normally suggest this but sometimes quick and dirty works.

cat file.txt | tr -d " \t\n\r" > file.txt

Easiest way for me:

echo "Hello my name is Donald" | sed  s/\ //g

This is probably the simplest way of doing it:

sed -r 's/\s+//g' filename > output
mv ouput filename

Dude, Just python test.py in your terminal.

f = open('/home/hduser/Desktop/data.csv' , 'r')

x = f.read().split()

y = ' '.join(x)
f = open('/home/hduser/Desktop/data.csv','w')
  • Sorry to bump an old thread, but isn't f.read().strip("\t\n\r ") more efficient?
    – Jachdich
    Commented May 8, 2019 at 11:33
  • What if there are two or more subsequent spaces,tabs etc. b/w words? I think your solution is for leading and trailing white-spaces. If you want one liner, you can easily convert the above code. Commented Sep 5, 2019 at 7:09

Try this:

tr -d " \t" <filename

See the manpage for tr(1) for more details.


hmm...seems like something on the order of sed -e "s/[ \t\n\r\v]//g" < hello.txt should be in the right ballpark (seems to work under cygwin in any case).

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