I'm looking to create an SDL Tridion schema with a list of repeatable links while avoiding multiple fields per link.
In a rich text field I have the following options for creating a hyperlink:*
- Component
- Anchor
- http://
- mailto:
- Other
When content authors create one of these hyperlinks, they have the option to select linked (visible) text as well as title and target attributes that function like typical HTML hyperlinks.
"Richtext" means a Text field with Height of the Text Area
= at least 2 rows with Allow Rich Text Formatting
Single Schema Field Link When creating a single schema field, I see these options:
- External Link (author options will include http://, mailto, Other)
- Multimedia Link
- Component Link (which can allow Multimedia Values)
Current Ideas
The best out-of-the-box (OOTB) setups I've found for this "list of links" is either offering:
- a single 2-line RTF with instructions to create a hyperlink (of any type) in that field
- separate fields for each type as well as additional fields for display name, target, and title (where the fields are assembled through template code), authors fill in only one of the fields (component link or external)
Is there a way in the schema form designer, by updating the schema source, or through code to offer the same (RTF) hyperlink drop-down options, but in a single field? I could be missing something, but recognize this scenario isn't supported OOTB.