Linked Questions

92 votes
26 answers

Load a Bootstrap popover content with AJAX. Is this possible?

The appropriate bits of what I tried are here: <a href="#" data-content="<div id='my_popover'></div>"> Click here </a> $(".button").popover({html: true}) $(".button").click(...
CambridgeMike's user avatar
61 votes
12 answers

How to update bootstrap popover text?

I am using bootstrap-popover to show a message beside an element. If I want to show different text in the popover after the first time, the text does not change. Re instantiating the popover with new ...
Chris's user avatar
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19 votes
5 answers

Can I use dynamic content in a Bootstrap popover?

I am using a Bootstrap Popover in a 'Repeat Region' which displays Testimonials. Each testimonials has a 'View Property Details' button which opens up the popover. In the Pop over I am wanting to ...
Steve Joiner's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

Bootstrap popover.toggle() only show

I am trying to integrate a twitter bootstrap popover ; I am forced to use the javascript API, because some dynamic elements are loaded via Ajax and should react too. Basically, here is a example tag ...
Jérémy Dutheil's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

When using Twitter's Bootstrap, how can I change a popover's content?

I'm using the popover feature from Twitter's Bootstrap js. I have a button that, when clicked, executes this javascript: $("#popover_anchor").popover({trigger: "manual", ...
brentmc79's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

bootstrap popover: reload content with ajax

I'm having trouble reloading content of a bootstrap popover with ajax. Here's some code: The second ajax request (when I click on "a.close") returns an updated content (I ...
koichirose's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to Create Bootstrap Popover on JQuery DataTable Dynamically

So I have a table that is being filled with data from an ajax call. I'm just using append similar to this for filling it: var table = //something //loop through ajax response objects table.append('&...
eholder0's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Dynamically altering the template for a Bootstrap popover

I've checked out this question which was asked about dynamically changing Bootstrap popover content. But the solution doesn't seem to be working out for my case where I want to show fresh data to the ...
Kyle Patterson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

bootstrap popover content change

I'm trying to change the data-content of bootstrap popovers based on the content of a certain div elsewhere. In the HTML, my popover trigger looks like this: <div id="box1" class="...
user3762977's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

jQuery removeClass seems not to work

I am trying to removeClass from "li" but it doesn't work. Here is my function: function setStore($s, id, name) { //alert("length: " + $s.parents('ul.popup-cbo-menu').find('li.selected').length); ...
Sam's user avatar
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