Linked Questions

3 votes
3 answers

NSMutableArray does not add objects [duplicate]

I think, I am doing a pretty basic mistake, but I am using an NSMutableArray and this somehow doesn't add the object, I'm sending it its way. I have a property (and synthesize) @property (nonatomic, ...
Luckystrik3's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Why does this array return 0 for an object count? [duplicate]

My array: NSMutableArray *squareLocations; CGPoint dotOne = CGPointMake(1, 1); [squareLocations addObject:[NSValue valueWithCGPoint:dotOne]]; CGPoint dotTwo = CGPointMake(10, 10); [squareLocations ...
Not My Name Car's user avatar
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Blocks adding objects to an array...can't get it to work [duplicate]

I'm making an app which searches texts (enumerating through the whole text via a block method). The search controller class is supposed to compile the results into an array, which is then returned via ...
Reid's user avatar
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-1 votes
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can't figure out why NSMutableArray addObject is not working [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: NSMutableArray addObject not working I have a NSMutableArray declared as (nonatomic,retain) in my .h file, and properly synthesized. tempRandomWord is an NSString that is ...
user1418214's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

NSMutableArray count equals 0 when add object [duplicate]

I have the next code: -(void)accountAdded:(GoogleMailAccount *)account { DLog(@"accountAdded %@ ",account.emailAddress); DLog(@"_accounts addObject %@ ",account); [_accounts addObject:...
pvllnspk's user avatar
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Adding UITextField input to NSMutableArray [duplicate]

I'm trying to add UITextField input into an NSMutableArray using the following IBActions, connected to the 'did end editing' part of the UITextFields: - (IBAction) returnKey1 { [textInputOne ...
Louis Holley's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Objective C array not storing value [duplicate]

Forewarning: I'm going through the Itunes Stanford course for IOS, and I'm a complete noob with this language. I have this function in my "Deck.m" file. - (id)init { self = [super init]; if (self)...
volk's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Adding items to NSMutableArray doesn't work [duplicate]

I'm taking the lectures of Stanford's iPhone application development and the first assignment is to build a RPN calculator. I'm having an issue that is probably something simple that I'm missing out. ...
gabsferreira's user avatar
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Objective-C : containsObject is always returning NO [duplicate]

I don't understand why, the containsObject method seems to always return NO, here is my method : -(void)addTockens:(NSString *)tockens { if ([tockens length] == 2 && ![self.tockensArray ...
Pop Flamingo's user avatar
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-2 votes
3 answers

How to add an object to a NSMutable array that is in a class? [duplicate]

I am trying to add an object of the same class to a NSMutable array that is defined in the same class. My approach would look like this, but when I tested the array, it was always empty. I also tried ...
schneebeutel's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Adding object to NSMutableArray or Converting Float to NSNumber [duplicate]

Having difficulties apparently with either adding elements to a NSMutableArray or to converting float to a NSNumber. Here is a working while loop that uses simple C arrays and not NSMutableArray. It ...
Mr_Vlasov's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Objective C adding items to nsmutablearray returning nil [duplicate]

I am trying to add items from an NSArray to an NSMutableArray like so: for(int i = 0; i < [tableData count]; i++){ [purchaseOrder.objects addObject:[tableData objectAtIndex:i]]; ...
user979331's user avatar
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0 votes
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Array is always empty [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: NSMutableArray addObject not working I'm making an iPhone app, and so far, I'm receiving data from my server, creating objects using that data and filling an array with those ...
docaholic's user avatar
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1 answer

Fetch Values from C-Struct in a NSMutableArray [duplicate]

This question has been asked a few times in SO, with the top two answers being: What's the best way to put a c-struct in an NSArray? How can I create an NSMutableArray of structs? The Apple ...
user2636834's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Filling an NSMutableArray with int values and then retriveing them [duplicate]

I'm integrating the BEMSimpleLineGraph library into my Objective-C iPhone app, and I'm having trouble adding int values from my Core Data to an NSMutableArray, and later retrieving the values in the ...
MacNick's user avatar
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