Linked Questions

16 votes
2 answers

How to open .hprof file [duplicate]

I am running a Java application and faced an error Out of memory. .hprof file is generated. What do I use to analyse what's in the file? How to read that file? Any suggestion? Thanks in Advance!!!
gayathri's user avatar
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101 votes
12 answers

Tool for analyzing large Java heap dumps

I have a HotSpot JVM heap dump that I would like to analyze. The VM ran with -Xmx31g, and the heap dump file is 48 GB large. I won't even try jhat, as it requires about five times the heap memory (...
Roland Illig's user avatar
  • 41.1k
66 votes
8 answers

How to analyse the heap dump using jmap in java

I am creating heap dump using below command: jmap -dump:file=DumpFile.txt <process-id> I have opened the generated file - DumpFile.txt but it is not in readable format. So please let me know ...
Chaitanya's user avatar
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61 votes
7 answers

Profiling a running Java application in command line

I profile running Java applications often with VisualVM but it needs X to run on the machine. I know I can connect through management port but that will be an offline sampled profiling which is not ...
KARASZI István's user avatar
33 votes
1 answer

How to find memory leaks using visualvm

I suspect we have a major memory leak in our ActiveMQ connection bridge - we're seeing typical memory leak patterns (app loads fine, slows down if it runs for prolonged periods of time or is restarted ...
IAmYourFaja's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Export android studio profiler data

I need to in some way profile my Android application while performing automated UI tests using Calabash. What i've gotten from my web search is that the built in android monitor is the way to go for ...
Timothy Karvonen's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Tomcat Fix Memory Leak?

I am using 6.0.20 I have a number of web apps running on the server, over time, approximately 3 days and the server needs restarting otherwise the server crashes and becomes unresponsive. I have the ...
iggyweb's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

OutOfMemory Exception - how does VisualVM help locate the memory leak with heapdump file?

I've been testing my webapp locally on my pc and monitoring it with VisualVM. I recently also started using JMeter, as it was suggested that I should do some load testing since I suspected that I have ...
katura's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Tomcat Threads Ready

I deployed a web application on a server. I created a script in order to perform load on the application(stress test). The stress generated different requests using 10 threads. I arrived into the ...
Clint Feher's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Calming an excited Garbage Collector

I've got a program that runs very happily with -Xmx2g. With -Xmx1g, it grinds to a halt. It never gets an out of memory exception -- or, at least, I've never had the patience to wait long enough. ...
bmargulies's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Does the application server affect Java memory usage?

Let's say I have a very large Java application that's deployed on Tomcat. Over the course of a few weeks, the server will run out of memory, application performance is degraded, and the server needs a ...
schottsfired's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Apache Jmeter crashing and close in the middle of the run from CMD

When i run the script with small number of users/threads and via the CMD the run finishes smoothly (188) users when i increased the users to 1000 with a ramp up of half an hour steady state for 1 hour ...
user7365780's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Jmeter issue while running more threads with more load

I have jmeter Thread. In thread I have 20 samples. i need to test 300 users per 15 minutes test for 24 hour. I am facing Pthread failure error. I tried looping. But it is running in just 1 or 2 hours ...
Ashwinnayak Tendulkar's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Isolate Strings from Java sourcecode

Is there an elegant way to parse Java sourcecode and to isolate its Strings? I would like to do that to copy all Strings into an office file with which I can run German spell-checking.
Jakob Alexander Eichler's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Start a bat file remotely which never returns anything (jmeter-server.bat)

So we are doing distributed testing of our web-app using JMeter. For that you need to have the jmeter-server.bat file running in background as it acts as sort of a listener. The problem arises when ...
KisS's user avatar
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