Linked Questions

99 votes
9 answers

SwipeRefreshLayout + ViewPager, limit horizontal scroll only?

I've implemented SwipeRefreshLayout and ViewPager in my app but there is a big trouble: whenever I'm going to swipe left / right to switch between pages the scrolling is too sensitive. A little swipe ...
user3896501's user avatar
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58 votes
5 answers

HorizontalScrollView inside SwipeRefreshLayout

I implemented the new SwipeRefreshLayout component in my application and it works well with any vertical views, like ListView, GridView and ScrollView. It behaves very bad with horizontal views, like ...
Lior Iluz's user avatar
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37 votes
15 answers

Android - SwipeRefreshLayout with empty textview

I've implemented SwipeRefreshLayout into my app but it can only hold one direct child which should be the listview. I'm trying to figure out how to add an empty textview to the following working XML ...
Niels's user avatar
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48 votes
7 answers

How to make a Scroll Listener for WebView in Android

How to implement the Scroll Listener for WebView in Android i tried this but its not calling my Log.i on scrolling the webview. package com.example.webview.full.width; import android.content.Context;...
Qadir Hussain's user avatar
31 votes
8 answers

Adding pull to refresh on webview for refreshing

I will add pull to refresh on my webview so it refresh my webview. i have seen all questions on this page but i can't find the good way to add pull to refresh... package com.vvhvb....
Hessel's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

WebView getScrollY() always returns 0

Im trying to use the webview's scroll position to determine whether SwipeRefreshLayout should be able to refresh, except for some websites e.g., getScrollY() always ...
Tim Mutton's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How can i add Swipe to Refresh in my WebVIew app?

I made a news Reader App (WebView). I don't know how to add a pull to refresh in my app. I am a student who just got into programming (Learner/n00b) Anyone here that can kindly let me know what to add ...
Moin Imran's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

scrolling up in webview causes refresh by SwipeRefreshLayout

I have a WebView inside a FrameLayout, to add tabs because i am creating a browser. The FrameLayout is inside a SwipeRefreshLayout. The problem: Whenever i scroll the content up fast in the WebView, ...
DennisVA's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

SwipeRefreshLayout and Vertical ViewPager Touch Issues

I have a Activity with Custom SwipeRefreshLayout and a Vertical ViewPager which swipes vertically. (basically a deck of cards which can be refershed by using swipe to refresh). So Now when i try to ...
Santosh Joshi's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

swipe refresh android webView

i have webView on my android studio app <WebView android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true" android:...
Derick's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

SwipeRefreshLayout with Tabs and fragments per page has premature pull to refresh functionality

I have setup an app with slidingTabs nested in a swipeRefreshLayout where I have fragments for the pages which have recyclerView lists in them. It works fine but when I scroll down the list and go to ...
CaptRisky's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Android Webview SwipeRefreshLayout area

I have app android WebApp inside SwipeRefreshLayout. Problem is when I scroll down webview, SwipeRefreshLayout trigers and I am not able to scroll down webview it self. My target: SwipeRefreshLayout ...
IntoTheDeep's user avatar
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1 answer

Getting scrollY atribute from an RecycleView with CardList inside a ViewPager adapter with SwipeToRefresh layout

Ok, so i`m trying to get the scrollY atribute from my RecycleView (to see the position of where i am scrolling in the CardList. I have the following setup First, the main activity , which houses a ...
Alex's user avatar
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0 answers

Pull to Refreshing webview

I am trying to using Webview and also to pull down to refresh the CURRENT page. Everything going good except this one. The Problem is to Refresh the current page. @Override protected ...
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