Linked Questions

4 votes
1 answer

How do I select the next `td` in this `tr`? [duplicate]

I want to select the next sibling of a td tag in a tr element. The tr element is this: <tr> <td>Created On:</td> <td>06/28/2018 06:32 </td> </tr> My ...
Username's user avatar
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XPath how to query the next node [duplicate]

Here is a sample of the xml File. If I have the id value of 20 which is halfway through the xml file. How do I first search that node out and second find the next (following) value. <League> &...
Somk's user avatar
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91 votes
6 answers

Selecting a css class with xpath

I want to select just a class on its own called .date For some reason, I cannot get this to work. If anyone knows what is wrong with my code, it would be much appreciated. @$doc = new DOMDocument(); ...
Teddy13's user avatar
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16 votes
13 answers

Find an element by text and get xpath - selenium webdriver junit

I have a table with 9 rows and 6 columns in my webpage. I want to search for a text "MakeGoodDisabled-Programwise_09_44_38_461(n)" and get the xpath of the cell. I have used the following but it fails ...
Nandini Joshi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Get the text value of nextsibling through document.evaluate

I have the following table data to traverse in my HTML: <table id="publicationTable" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td vAlign="top"><IMG SRC="/images/icons/general/spacer....
schnydszch's user avatar
0 votes
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XSLT get the text value of multiple elements within the same tag

I have this piece of XML <output_list> <output_name>name_F</output_name> <output_category>Ferrari</output_category> <output_name&...
sylar_80's user avatar
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How can I select the xpath parent sibling? [closed]

If I have this xml structure: <tr> <td class="name"> <b>Brand</b> </td> <td class="desc">Intel</td> </tr> <tr> <td ...
Dss's user avatar
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XPath: Get next element where parent contains text

<h3>2.2 Header Text</h3> <dl> <dd>Text 1</dd> </dl> I have the following html code and i need to get the text between the "dd" element where the h3 tag ...
FenrisL's user avatar
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XPATH: Get key name and value in on query

I have the following XML and would like to get the name and it's value back: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <company> <name>Company A</name> <values> ...
user3512079's user avatar
0 votes
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How to create a xpath for following siblings which has a matching criteria

How to create xpath for the following sibling elements of "a" and "span" which i need to find href link for the span class elements of "METADEC Co.Ltd." Locations of the elements are in the same ...
Ali's user avatar
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how to find text and extract whole section with xpath

i am trying to parse some text from bibliographic database which contains not standard tables. specifications of articles may or may not exist, bu if exist they have same tags for their specifications....
t.ztrk's user avatar
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Two elements with same parent element

I am using Selenium IDE to test a tree. I am having two elements with same parent element, one is a check box and the other is a text. My question is, can I use the text element to make selenium ...
osgadallah's user avatar
-4 votes
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how to find the following node (siblings and preceding) using xpath

<months> <month name="January"></month> <month name="February"></month> <month name="March"></month> <month name="April"></month> ...[...
khaleefa shaik's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Match first table cell, extract the second

I have a table and want to extract data from some data cells. <table> <tr> <td class="label"> </td> <td class="data"><p><a href="http://en....
Liu Kang's user avatar
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Xpath queries based on given node

I have a this xml: <?xml version="1.0"?> <catalog> <car> <id>0</id> <color>green</color> <color>red</color> <color&...
Anton Grindplak's user avatar