Linked Questions

2 votes
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Encrypting password in powershell before calling to vcenter connect server

Issue is while running power shell scripts vcenter passwords is capturing in event logs. So I am trying yo encrypt before we call vcenter. I am able to encrypt the password using below $Pass = &...
Neha Jain's user avatar
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Credential Without Asking For Prompts In Powershell [duplicate]

My current script prompts for user credentials in order to remote sign into exchange server. Is their a way to provide credentials in script and automatically sign into exchange server without prompt? ...
wamaya818's user avatar
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Send email Send-MailMessage - PowerShell

I have to send an email using a pre-defined account, I have all the information, smtp server name, email address, user, password. This account uses TTL. How to create the script to send this email ...
Venildo Amaral's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Get the credentials object without prompt using powershell

I am using the below command, $SQLServerPSCred = Get-Credential to get the credential object. How can I get the Creds object without the Prompt? I have tried below code, but it is failing. $...
Akshay's user avatar
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Run powershell as a different user and call Windows Remote Assisant as current logged on user

I have created a powershell script that runs with my account for others to use. In the script, it has a button that launches Windows Remote Assist. The problem is, as the script runs with my account, ...
AdvertisingFree's user avatar
-1 votes
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Batch File Not Recognizing Add-Printer

I am creating a batch file that will add Network Printers based on your location. The script works fine in PS when I have my admin rights, but I am not sure how to add admin rights when adding a ...
jordan darland's user avatar
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Invoke-Command with static password

I want to execute a script that requires privileges on a remote Windows Server machine , but each time i execute the script a pop-up window appears in order to type the password, so how can I add the ...
MKH_Cerbebrus's user avatar
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Pass credentials to run batch script on remote computer with PowerShell

I've been working on a script that will loop through a list of computers, uninstall old AV software if it's present and install our new AV software if it's not present. The script does this by ...
Sweet T's user avatar
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Push certificate to multiple windows servers

Can you please help me where to add credentials (all windows servers have same credentials) in this script to puch scripts Point the script to a text file with a list of computers $Computers = "C:\...
ankit singh's user avatar
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Power Shell Script SMTP Email Issues

1) How can I store my credentials in this script - it's prompting me for credentials 2) Should the last two lines be at the bottom or before the params? I am getting this error - I think I am not ...
MG2016's user avatar
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Powershell Script get-pfxcertificate skip password

Today i was trying to search a method for "skip" the password when it is requested. Is there a way for do this or for do similar things, like put automatically a random password when requested? Get-...
Marco Mazza's user avatar
-1 votes
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Log into remote machine via Powershell

I've been searching all day for something I thought would be relatively simple, but I've come up with no answers. I'm writing a Powershell script as a developer to give to an IT Ops employee to do an ...
Mike's user avatar
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Try to remotely kill a process using PowerShell

I have followed the advice here and here to write a PowerShell script that remotely kills a process: Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "Name='myapp.exe'" -ComputerName remotecomputername | Invoke-...
majjam's user avatar
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Sending email via Powershell using secure password

I'm trying to test sending an email but I don't want to just have a plaintext password in my script. Here's what I have, and this works: $SmtpServer = '' $SmtpUser = 'fubsygamr@...
FubsyGamer's user avatar
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Entering password automatically in enter-pssession

Im currently making a Powershell Script in Powershell ISE that is going to be used for entering all of the servers we're hosting and grabbing all the users from the servers ActiveDirectory. To do that ...
simpen's user avatar
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