Linked Questions

77 votes
6 answers

Detect end of HTTP request body

I'm playing around with writing my own HTTP client and server and want to have the client include an optional body in the request. On the server side I want to read the entire body before sending the ...
Httpuser's user avatar
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What does HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout mean?

I've got some trouble downloading a webpage's HTML (see this question: Android: Downloading HTML not always working). In my code, I use this method: HttpConnectionParams.setConnectionTimeout(...
Xander's user avatar
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3 answers

Trying to access a WS server with Spring-WS - "Connection timed out", but the server respond when tested with SOAP UI

The problem I am taking over the development of a java web service client and in order to test an evolution I have to request a method from a distant web service server (which is embedded in an Apache ...
Flyout91's user avatar
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Setting Timeout for JAX-RS 2.0 / Resteasy Client on Jboss

I want to set a request timeout for each invocation rest client. Currently I have this: private Client clientBuilder() { return new ResteasyClientBuilder() ....
Hadean's user avatar
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Amazon sqs throwing exception connection reset

I am using AmazonSQSAsyncClient to connect with Amazon SQS, but sometimes I see the following execution in the logs: INFO [AmazonHttpClient:444] Unable to execute HTTP request: Connection reset java....
user2677325's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to set

I have googled and found lots of documents and web pages saying that I should set to 3 seconds. I was unable to locate an example of how exactly to do that. ...
hidralisk's user avatar
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Connection Timeout is not working - jaxws

I am trying to test the connection timeout for my injected client. I am able to call the client , but the timeout is not working. Its taking default and taking more than 1 mins.My configuration below ...
JDGuide's user avatar
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SocketTimeoutException explanations

I am using Webservice from my android mobile to upload Images. I don't need code or any of your work but just i want to know what is SocketTimeoutException.. not all times only few times i am getting ...
Villonava Anand's user avatar
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How to disconnect Gmail API Service Instance?

In my Python3 program that uses the Gmail API, I want to re-instantiate the Gmail "service" instance every few hours for the purpose of enhanced reliability. I am not certain if this is required to ...
GeekGeek4's user avatar
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android ksoap2 invalid stream or encoding exception

I am having a difficulty to find a solution to my problem. I will not able to figure out or find the real cause of the problem. Basically when I call a java web service I am having an error saying "...
user2500797's user avatar