Questions tagged [amazon-translate]

Amazon Translate is a text translation service that uses machine learning technologies to provide translation on demand. You can use Amazon Translate to translate unstructured text documents or to build applications that work in multiple languages.

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2 answers

Partial credentials found in explicit, missing: aws_access_key_id

I am trying to run the following code snipet (based on this code here): import boto3, os from dotenv import load_dotenv load_dotenv() AWS_ACCESS_KEY=os.getenv('AWS_ACCESS_KEY') AWS_SECRET_KEY=os....
David Espinosa's user avatar
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Amazon Translate - Formality Setting in .Net?

When trying to use the Formality setting ( ) in code behind (.Net), I ...
Thor2020's user avatar
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How to use AWS Polly with streaming transcription and translate to get real-time audio translation?

I want to implement audio translation to a conference web app. I am thinking about using three AWS services for this (streaming transcribe, translate and Polly). All the examples provided in AWS ...
HM Moniruzzaman's user avatar
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How to translate AXIOS responses using Amazon Translate or Google Translate in React?

I am trying to convert Axios JSON responses in React i.e axios.get('') .then(res => { ...translation_logic_here ...
Praveen KJ's user avatar
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aws-sdk-js for translate client results an error "cannot read property 'byteLength' of undefined"

I run the AWS SDK V3 Translate Client in Node.js application to translate a sentence. This is my code: const { TranslateClient, CreateParallelDataCommand } = require("@aws-sdk/client-translate&...
Luki B. Subekti's user avatar
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API to pull the list of supported languages in AWS Translate

I am currently working on a project where I need to translate Customer comments into English from the source language on AWS. It is easy to do so using AWS Translate but before I call translate API to ...
Rishabh Tiwari's user avatar
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Is there a possibility to integrate Translation before/after Amazon Lex Bot?

I have built a Q&A-chatbot using Amazon Lex with all intents and its utterances being in English. Now of course when an user asks some question in English, Amazon Lex processes the question and ...
JohnnyWhatsUp's user avatar
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Translate is not authorized to assume role

When I enter the example code from here $ aws translate start-text-translation-job --job-name batch-test \ --source-language-code en \ -...
Rene B.'s user avatar
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AWS Amplify - Android - Translate text in an unknown language to English

In my Android application I am using OCR. I would like to translate the text from the image to English. The language of the text is unknown. I am using AWS services together with Amplify, so I would ...
MiHu's user avatar
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AWS Translate Php sdk missing field but not request in documentation

I am having an unusual problem with aws sdk on the AWS Translate service. I need to dynamically translate some response messages, but I get this error. $currentLanguage = 'es'; // If the ...
Luca Mangiacotti's user avatar
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NO_READ_ACCESS_TO_S3 while calling StartTextTranslationJob on AWS Translate

I am trying to run AWS Translate job on Batch data stored in S3 with the following python code role_arn='arn:aws:iam::<account-id>:role/service-role/AmazonTranslateServiceRoleS3FullAccess-...
bhavin tandel's user avatar
-1 votes
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Managing amazon translation with redis

I have to manage a traduction of a json with aws from amazon and saving the cache in redis. async function translateSomething(trans, p1, sourceLan, targetLan) { var paramsName = { Text: p1, ...
khalD's user avatar
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Amazon Translate with .Net Core. How to Translate text in multiple target languages (Similar to Microsoft Translator API)

I want to translate the specified text into multiple target languages similar to what Microsoft Translator API supports. I can do this in AWS SDK AmazonTranslateClient.TranslateTextAsync by calling it ...
ameya's user avatar
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How to use AWS Translate "TranslateText" API via POSTMAN

I am building a POC using AWS Translate and one of the requirement is to use REST API. I have constructed the below url : but when I hit the url using POSTMAN I get the below error : { "__type":...
aksyuma's user avatar
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Validation error: There are unrecognized header names. Check documentation for allowed header names

I am getting the validation error during custom vocabulary creation in Amazon transcribe service I have created below text file to configure custom vocabulary. I am getting this validation error. ...
Bala venkatesh's user avatar
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Save Amazon Translate output to .txt file using Boto3

I am trying to use the below query to fetch the translate the data using AWS Translate API, however I am unable to find the suitable way of saving the result in .txt format. import boto3 data = '...
Ashish Bansal's user avatar