Questions tagged [angularjs]

Use for questions about AngularJS (1.x), the open-source JavaScript framework. Do NOT use this tag for Angular 2 or later versions; instead, use the [angular] tag.

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Ionic angular adyen integration

we have a ionic v1 angular cordova app for android and we are trying to integrate adyen
abhinav P's user avatar
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AngularJS, show array value according to another array current position

In javascript, there are two arrays, their length are equal, but the length is not known, based on some db value. for example colName=['col1','col2','col3']; fieldValue=['abc','def','ghi']; or ...
user1169587's user avatar
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cordova-plugin-barcodescanner crashing after scan on Android

cordova-plugin-barcodescanner crashing after scan on Android. Camera launches. Able to capture text from barcode and print to log. App then crashes and goes to login page. barcodescanner works as ...
A42 Labs's user avatar
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I am trying to use mat-chip-row, mat-chip-grid and they don't seem to be recognized even if I imported the module MatChipsModule

I am using these Angular versions "dependencies": { "@angular/animations": "^14.2.0", "@angular/cdk": "^14.2.7", "@angular/common&...
raluca bratan's user avatar
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Expandable and collapsable rows in AngularJS

My main aim is to allow a user to expand a row with child rows when they click on button within a row. However everything seems correct from the data fetching side and the javascript side, but for ...
Kian Chetty's user avatar
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Error: EACCES: permission denied, open 'package.json' when building my node app with Docker

I have the following Dockerfile: FROM centos:7 as builder RUN yum update -y && \ yum install -y wget && \ yum install -y libXcomposite libXdamage libXcursor libXext libXi ...
LilRose's user avatar
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ui-router transition params contains the hash-bang

I'm updating my web application to a newer version of angularJs (from 1.5 to 1.8) and ui-router (from 0.2 to the latest available). After those updates, $stateParams, which I use to handle query ...
FrankDev's user avatar
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The problem with calling ngOnDestroy in Angular components when changing the order of user transitions

I ran into such a problem in Angular, for some reason, if the user initially goes to the component A page and then leaves it to the component B page, component A continues to live, I will find out ...
Zor's user avatar
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NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(Environment Injector)[MsalService -> MsalService]: NullInjectorError: No provider for MsalService

why below error is throwing while integrating MSAL in my Angular app. ERROR NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError(Environment Injector)[MsalService -> MsalService]: NullInjectorError: No provider ...
user2648519's user avatar
-2 votes
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Angula lazy loading build Production [closed]

I'm trying to build for production a angular app (v14). The build occurs ok, but i have some lazy loaded routes, and this lazy load doesn't build too and doesnt work in the website, just app.module. ...
Otávio tursi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why Power BI embedded dashboard won't load

Currently developing an Angular web application that loads a Power BI dashboard (app owns data scenario). Despite the console returning the object embedToken, the dashboard fails to load and remains ...
dataravens's user avatar
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Angular prevent router if unsaved item and showing confirm box. But its showing two modal popup

I try to prevent the router and showing confirm popup. its works but showing two modal popup because each condition navigation start hitting twice { constructor( private route: ActivatedRoute, ...
deenasiva's user avatar
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Unable to remove/hide the Cookie from request header in an Angular application with nginx reverse proxy

Client requests from Angular application with NGINX reverse proxy server fails with 400 (Bad Request) error where the header exceeds the default 8k bytes, browser cache has to be cleared as an ...
stanley's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Ensure that the NO JavaScript is placed in the textbox field [closed]

We have an older application developed in AngularJS. This application features several pages with a user information field in the form of a text box. This text box permits the entry of special ...
Sid's user avatar
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3 answers

can we use the spread operator for merging the array? [closed]

take the two variables a and b as a two different arrays the variable c shows the output in only one array that means this method merges the two or more arrays into a single array let a=[a ,b]; let b=[...
Vinay Surya's user avatar
1 vote
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Getting SignalRHub Error when calling Load Balancer "'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource."

I've moved onto a project involving AngularJS version 1.8.2 along with SignlRHub version 2.4.3 that runs on an .NET server. We have migrated from HTTP to HTTPS in our application, however in one of ...
Waldener's user avatar
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1 answer

Migrating from AngularJS to Angular proposal. Is this a valid path forward?

I am contracting with a company that has an AngularJS application that they "eventually" want migrated to Angular, but the project I am on will have a lot of brand new development (pages and ...
Tyler Dahle's user avatar
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How to add copy button in ngx-markdown tag in angular

I want to add copy button when in response have code like below. please see my uploaded image what i want. <markdown class="variable-binding" [data]="markdown"></...
Tiger Resource's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I transfer an AngularJS project to a new machine without upgrading Angular or making significant structural changes?

I have an AngularJS project that was generated using generator-gulp-angular ( I believe Angular CLI version 6.00). This project relies on older versions of Gulp, Karma, and Bower. Unfortunately, due ...
Pubudi Eranga's user avatar
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ngx-Editor in Angular Not working as expected

ngx-editor is not working as expected the block, italics, blockQuotes and list is not working in my angular code. either i have to remove those options from editor-menu, or i have make those working ...
Sandeep pradeep's user avatar
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AngularJS file upload issue: Stuck at "No file selected" when clicking "Load File"

I'm encountering an issue with an AngularJS application where I have a file input field and a button to upload the selected file. However, when I select a file and click the "Load File" ...
legna's user avatar
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How to substring in AngualrJS tag before printing the HTML output

I'm new to TypeScript and AngularJS. The following code will print a list of "<div>"s by using TypeScript: {{#if styles}} <h2 class="box-header">Styles</h2> &...
stackbiz's user avatar
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How to Dynamically Update Multiselect Dropdown Options in AngularJS?

I'm working on a project where I have two multiselect dropdowns using AngularJS's ui-select. The options available in the second dropdown are filtered based on the selection made in the first dropdown....
Ritik Kothari's user avatar
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Getting error "[class] and [className] bindings cannot be used on the same element simultaneously" after updating from Angular 8 to Angular 9

I working on a huge project with thousands of html elements that contains both class attribute and multiple class bindings simultaneously. I am updating the angular version from 8.2 to 9 If I start ...
T. B. - Tantiya Bichchu's user avatar
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Large Data Set in ng-multiselect-dropdown

I am using ng-multiselect-dropdown in my angular project. There is a table in which each entry will have ng-multiselect-dropdown. And each dropdown will have 2k entries approx and table itself can ...
404NotFound's user avatar
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Angular JWT localstorage is not defined

JwtModule.forRoot({ config:{ tokenGetter : () => localStorage.getItem('accessToken') , allowedDomains : ["localhost:44382"] } }), i got error which is : localStorage is not ...
OnurcanOgul's user avatar
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jsPDF not converting Sublist marker in angular

I'm using CKeditor and it doesnot add any custom markers as far as i know. when i'm trying to download the div every styleing indentation is right except for the sublist marker which are replaced by %...
Harsh Nagarjuna's user avatar
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Select Current Browser Tab when Modal is Opened in Angular

I have a scenario where in the 1st tab, I set a function to display the modal/component after 5 seconds: ngOnInit() { setTimeout(() => { this.openDialog(); }, 5000); } openDialog() { ...
abramlimpin's user avatar
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Confusion regarding scope of button inside angular

(click) event in one instance of a component is triggering function in another instance. I don't know how to explain this. I've attached a stackblitz example. Clicking on both the buttons print same ...
Nithish Kumar's user avatar
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Prime ng table angular project is not starting

I am trying to set the primeng table project in my local. Project codebase: Step1: Installed Node version 16 and tried to start ...
Rosy's user avatar
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2 answers

Angular - Send form on enter in MatDialog

My goal is to execute the form in a MatDialog if I press Enter. It doesn't matter which element is focused. I've searched a lot and tried lots of things but each time it didn't work. I've tried to use ...
Stefan's user avatar
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How to update and launch an application written in Angular 1.6

I need to resurrect a web application written in .NET Core 2 with an Angular template. I've tried following the guide from the official Angular website, but unfortunately, I keep encountering errors ...
DevLookForHelp's user avatar
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nginx angular ssr route changes not working

I have a problem with nginx and angular ssr. For example, my website has a route that is parent_path/dynamic_path/child_path, now I want the client on the website to see
nicamoyanof's user avatar
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Getting error while using paginationpagesize in ag grid 30.0.2

Here I am adding paginationPageSizeSelector in ag grid version 30.0.2 but getting this error using ag-grid angular Error: <ag-grid-angular class="ag-theme-alpine" [...
Mohammad Atif's user avatar
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How can i implement common new Window Component in Angular 15?

I'm using Angular 15. I want to create a new common window component. For example: <div class="detail-icon-container" (click)="windowComponent.openNewWindow()" ></...
김성한's user avatar
1 vote
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NG8004: No pipe found with name 'uppercase'. [plugin angular-compiler]

my components name is heroes heroes.component.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Hero } from '../hero'; @Component({ selector: 'app-heroes', standalone: true, imports: [], ...
ambuj151's user avatar
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Custom two-way-data-binding with init values and observables - AngularJs

I have this input angular custom component: <!--HTML --> <mat-form-field appearance="outline" color="accent" role="group"> <mat-label> ...
Manuel's user avatar
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amCharts5 error creating a new root element

i generated a new compoent, imported the scripts to html file via CDN, and imported all core of am5 charts, xycharts & stock. now as soon as i try to create the root element and refresh the page, ...
prasad pimparkar's user avatar
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Angular write a common function for multiple selected options

Can you sugguest how to common function for both two selected option by event $scope.selectionOpt = function($event){ alert($; } <form> <...
jvk's user avatar
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Authentication token disappears when I jump to another page of my website (Spring Boot back, Angular js front)

I had a simple Spring Boot website, which had authentication. In my spring security configuration, I said, that all the people who want to get the html file of the profile page, should be ...
CyberLight 64's user avatar
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Will work in incognito mode? [closed]

I had added It is working in a normal tab but not in an Incognito window. Can I get a solution for the problem and also please attach some documents for reference also. I am trying ...
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After keycloak login page "Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: '&iss'"

I have an angular application authenticating using keycloak, keycloak-angular and keycloak-js. It was working good but recently it started to throw below error on the console. core.mjs:6484 ERROR ...
Vikash's user avatar
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Upgrade Angular v15 to v16

After updating my Angular project from version 15 to version 16, I got the following errors: Error: src/app/app.module.ts:79:12 - error NG6002: 'TranslateModule' does not appear to be an NgModule ...
Kévin Mbitkébéyo's user avatar
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Best Approach To Convert Application From AngularJS To React-Typescript Micro Frontend

We have monolithic AngularJS App and now we are going to migrate to ReactJS Micro Frontend App. In the AngularJS App, we have total 64 html pages. Based on API response which contains LayoutId, we ...
Somashekhar's user avatar
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I am unable to send data through $http.get service in angularjs to a php file

I'm testing out a function before integrating it into my project. Basically, a button press should push an object into an array and then send that array to another php file. So, I've created a basic ...
Aaryan Fatnani's user avatar
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Is there any way to hide queryparams in angular v12?

i dont want user to see the queryparams this.router.navigate([/cbam-tools/stepper/update/${runID}],{ queryParams: { productID: record.productID} }); The better way would be if someone can help how to ...
Dragon's user avatar
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Rotues are not matched in Angular 17

I am new to angular. I am trying to navigate from one page to another page in angular17. I am getting an error "Routes are not matched". Eventhough I have added the path in appropriate files....
k haripriya's user avatar
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Why the ng-pristine class in AngularJS form always returns true

Why the ng-pristine class in AngularJS form always returns true. enter a value in the input field and click the button, it does not return false, it returns true. test.html <div ng-app="...
김영민's user avatar
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angular 8 packages conflict during install

Problem with build .NET Core + Angular project there is unknown for me project. I need do some small fix. I've tried to build them: dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained false --...
Marat's user avatar
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Angular dropdown not expanding using keyboard while using screen reader

I am doing a accessibility test and I am using Narrator as screen reader and I have a drop down in my web page. so when Screen reader is on and I tab to a dropdown. The dropdown is not expanding. I ...
TheIntrovetCoder's user avatar

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