Questions tagged [ansible-awx]

Ansible Tower is a GUI and REST API for managing both cloud-based and traditional/hybrid Ansible deployments

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What's AWX EE real usage to run ansible playbook?

I installed AWX 19.5 in k8s. I found there are these pods, containers and ee by default: Pods awx-postgres-0 awx-8631936913-23hfa awx-operator-controller-manager-8631936913-23hfa Containers In awx-...
freetimetime's user avatar
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Ansible Variable Error Deploying Template File

I'm trying to deploy a JSON file as a template and configure the variables for it in a group_var. Here is how I have my ansible structured: inventories > dc > environment > partner_name > ...
mvelez83's user avatar
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Does AWX 17.0.1 support fetching collections from Github using requirements.yml

We are currently using AWX 17.0.1 with Ansible 2.9.17. Does this version of AWX support installing collections directory from a Git repository for example from GitHub? Using requirements.yml file? For ...
onknows's user avatar
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Kubernetes AWX operator hanging on managed database migration

I am running three Ubuntu VMs using VMware workstation and I have been able to succesfully deploy a 3 node Kubernetes cluster using k3sup along with k3s. I am now trying to stand up AWX using the AWX ...
rf guy's user avatar
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Ansible task that verifies complexity of password

I am trying to take a variable that is saved as a password from an Ansible Tower Survey and then verify its complexity. The password needs to be at least 17 characters and contain uppercase, lowercase,...
Bob's user avatar
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How can I install galaxy collections in awx?

I use a plugin such as nginx in ansible playbook. On server I can use cli to install the roles and collections as ansible-galaxy collection install ...
freetimetime's user avatar
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Ansible SSH user change during playbook execution causes freeze

I have a playbook that is launched from AWX with machine credentials, ie. with ssh_user_A. In this playbook, i need to perform a couple of tasks with another SSH user, ie. ssh_user_B. In terms of ...
Max Xapi's user avatar
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Ansible change status to failed when unreachable

How to change the status of the ansible job? I want to set it to failed when the status is UNREACHABLE. I tried the following but still it shows as UNREACHABLE. - name: Set flag set_fact: flag = ...
user630702's user avatar
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Ansible AWX / Tower - Use Vault credential in playbook

In Ansible AWX I created a Vault-credential (named: user-pw). Now I want to use that password in a playbook. But it doesn't work. I created a template, add the Vault-credential (at the credential ...
ND90's user avatar
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How to SSH a UCS file on f5 device to a server

I am trying to write a yaml file for ansible to take an f5 devices UCS file and send it to a server to be stored. I can't find much documentation on this and I am very new to ansible. Is this possible?...
Dhar_'s user avatar
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Ansible can't find the drive

I am trying to do a simple task using the win_copy module which has to run through AWX. The task copies one file from drive C: to drive F:. But I am facing the following error: FAILED! => {"...
Adrian Chase's user avatar
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When does Ansible AWX install postgreSQL?

I tried installing Ansible AWX. However, AWX also installs PostgreSQL on the system (I am using kubernetes for AWX btw). I understand that PostgreSQL is one of the requirements for AWX. Now, for ...
CIE Pro Suhas's user avatar
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How to retrieve Tower configuration from playbook?

In my playbook I setup the LDAP configuration with the awx.settings module. So far so good. To attend groups in AWX under /Settings/LDAP Default/LDAP Team Map/ I need to retrieve the values from ...
twmuss's user avatar
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kubectl ingress edit overridden but can't find by what

I'm deploying an AWX on a K8S cluster with awx-operator and a GitHub repository that I found ( which can work with K8S too. So everything works good during ...
Arnaud PIZZETTA's user avatar
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AWX fetch module directory missing

I'm working on this environment ansible version = 2.5.1 python version = 2.7.17 awx version = 8.0.0 I'm trying to change my ansible project to AWX ( I installed AWX via docker) I had two hosts called ...
Kyroo0's user avatar
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AWX - Can't accept github fingerprint

I freshly installed awx 19.5.1, on minikube, and i justed wanted to try to add a project linked to a private github repository. but i can't synchronize the project using the url [email protected]:...
IkuroNoriiwa's user avatar
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Ansible Tower - How to pass Machine credentials as an extra vars to the job template?

The job template has an option for "Prompt on Launch" for credentials. I want to pass the credentials name using extra vars. I'm launching these jobs through manageIQ and so I want the user ...
user630702's user avatar
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AWX- provide response file

I have a project using playbook to exec shell command as following: /tmp/fileforinst.bin -varfile response.varfile While I exec the shell command I provide response.varfile for installation purpose ...
Shco's user avatar
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custom job status for awx/ansible tower workflows

AWX/Ansible Tower has it's own REST API service. From the below url structure i can get information about an in progress or finished workflow job: https://<awx-ip>/api/v2/workflow_jobs/<job-...
Jai's user avatar
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ansible Get current index of a variable in a loop

Say I have: rn2: [x,y,z] and in a task I want to output the current index of the variable it is currently using - name: Output shell: echo "{{ item|int }}" loop: "{{rn2}}" My ...
user13539846's user avatar
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Unable to Install AWX with minikube on Centos 8

I am trying to install awx v19.0 on CentOS 8. Installing Minikube, AWX-Operator, AWX itself and enabling ingress addon works without any problems and all pods are running. But i can't access the awx ...
Emre Hayta's user avatar
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Ansible` ios_command `Error reading SSH protocol banner[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer

I have this command which basically is just to get the data from the device. - name: Get data tags: get_facts ios_command: commands: - show version register: ruijie_sh_interfaces ...
user13539846's user avatar
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What would be the best approach to emulate "templates hierarchy"?

Ansible Tower does not offer directory hierarchy for templates and workflows. How should we manage their growing number in a flat structure? I know we could use labels, but their use seems a bit ...
Zee's user avatar
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Download Ansible Tower log output directly to a output file on managed remote server

Could someone please help on "How to download Ansible Tower execution result to a log file on a particular remote server?". I couldn't find much results on "How to automatically ...
Anusha Madhusudhanan's user avatar
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AWX: ansible lookup to access extra environment variables

On my local machine I set the following environment vars: export AWS_ACCESS_KEY='xxxx' export AWS_SECRET_KEY='xxxx' export AWS_REGION='us-east-1' then in a playbook I put this: ... tasks: - name: ...
Ciprian Stoica's user avatar
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Limit the number of ssh connections ansible tower will spin up

Is there a way to limit the number of ssh connections ansible tower will spin up when running a large job targeting large number of hosts? We have pipelining enabled but the job seem to be spinning ...
Steve's user avatar
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Is there any standard location for persistent files in AWX?

In AWX, is there a standard place where I can save files like the one generated by a task like the following temp1.txt?: - name: Create user temp1 user: name: "temp1" groups: sudo ...
Jaime Hablutzel's user avatar
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AWX - enrich inventory with ansible facts

In AWX I created an inventory with a VMware vCenter source that fetch hosts from vCenter. It's working well and I got all my VMware VMs in the AWX hosts. Now I'd like ansible to gather facts on these ...
Mathieu Rollet's user avatar
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Optional Variable Override in Ansible Playbook

I'm using AWX as a task runner to run a variety of Ansible modules. Some of the Ansible modules are third-party modules whose parameters I can't control without forking the module, which is ...
William's user avatar
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Ansible module for Brocade/ICX is misbehaving

I've to perform some network automation in my infra using ansible. When I'm trying to use ansible module for icx switches it seems to be misbehaving. Playbook I used --- - name: ICX switch testing ...
saurabh's user avatar
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AWX all jobs stop processing and hang indefinitely -- why

Problem We've had a working Ansible AWX instance running on v5.0.0 for over a year, and suddenly all jobs stop working -- no output is rendered. They will start "running" but hang ...
Jon's user avatar
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Ansible Tower: Writing job stdout to files

Is there any way in Ansible Tower to create log files for the each job stdout? I am aware that the below API will show me the output. https://<tower_ip>/api/v2/jobs/<job id>/stdout/ But ...
user872274's user avatar
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Add instance in AWX

I implemented ansible awx through k3s (kubectl). But I have other servers that I would like to add as an instance to perform tasks in awx. I've already researched and looked in several places where to ...
Gabriel Silva's user avatar
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Getting error in ansible tower awx while using regex_findall filter

Getting below error while i am running my playbook in ansible tower awx, in my code i have regex_findall - set_fact: spool_ip_address: "{{output.stdout_lines|regex_findall('\\d+.\\d+.\...
netv's user avatar
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How to pass variable data through Ansible Tower API to a playbook template

We use Ansible Tower for Operations to perform process restarts. If they receive an alert says a process stopped, they execute an Ansible Tower job and supply the host name and process name from the ...
Steve J's user avatar
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Create namespace with Ansibl. Export NAMESPACE=awx

Hello! I tired to create some playbook for deploying "AWX Operator" and Kubernetes using manual of installation Install AWX Operator I have the command: export NAMESPACE=awx kubectl create ...
Oleg's user avatar
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Is it possible to trigger an Ansible Tower playbook using Grafana?

This is more a question for gaining knowledge and choosing if we are heading to the correct solution. I have my application being monitored through Grafana and Prometheus. The self healing is ...
anish anil's user avatar
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Ansible: Wait until time

I need some help with an ansible-playbook. Situation: We need a irregular update for some development systems. For our application, some large files have to been send via network. To not risk the ...
patrick.schweinsberg's user avatar
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Not able to load UI page beyond login page on Ansible AWX

I have installed AWX using docker-compose after cloning from GitHub. I am trying to run Ansible awx from behind nginx as a reverse proxy but on the web page, after entering the login credentials, it ...
Mohan's user avatar
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Using Enabled Variable in VMware vCenter Inventory Plugin for Ansible Tower

Due to licensing restrictions of Ansible Tower, I only want to activate certain hosts. Currently, all hosts are pulled into an inventory using VMware vCenter. I want to use the enabled variable ...
vermillion's user avatar
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AWX playbook failing with "network os cisco.iosxr.iosxr is not supported"

I have a playbook that works just great locally, when trying to run with AWX I run into an errors that seem to indicate the device type in the task is not supported. Loading collection ansible....
bobloblaw's user avatar
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ZABBIX AWX, sync invetory

Is possible sync the inventory of Ansible tower (AWX) running in containers with Zabbix inventory? Any code or playbook to make this appreciate a lot!
dcremona's user avatar
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Anlible. How do I add a condition to a loop operation?

How can I get from this data only the value ("subclientName": "test") where "count" = 1 "subclientName": "start9pm" should not be in the selection { ...
dmitry tailakov's user avatar
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Ansible execution environment: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lxml'?

When running a playbook using my custom execution environment I get the following error even though lxml is installed: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'lxml' How can I ensure lxml is available? ...
tread's user avatar
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Ansible AWX - write a local file

I'm running ansible AWX in minikube and I could use some assistance in understanding how to write a file to AWXcontaner. My goal is to use a survey to create a template. This template would be written ...
user2081470's user avatar
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How can i run simple loop with conditional variables in ansible playbook from ansible AWX with multi select survey?

The goal is to create user in multiple databases, each database has it's own port, ip and priv set. In host I'm only passing name and based on the name it's define all variables. This is variables ...
Yan Khusid's user avatar
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Ansible AWX workflow

I am new to ansible and AWX. Making good progress with my project but am getting stuck with one part and hoping you guys can help. I have a Workflow Template as follows Deploy VM Get IP of the VM ...
SnV's user avatar
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AWX Normal User with admin rights can't add job template

Good morning everyone, I am having a problem with the roles and permissions of users and teams in AWX. I feel like there are many ways to do the same thing and I get a little confused. To explain my ...
Vida Eninkio's user avatar
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Failed to change ownership of the temporary files Ansible needs to create despite connecting as a privileged user

I am new to awx i use pre-exsisting playbook when i run it from ubuntu 20 terminal it works fine but i want to run it through awx when i run it from awx i get this error. Failed to change ownership ...
salamn's user avatar
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awx-manage is not working correctly when i try to remove an instance

i am using the command awx-manage (version 12.0.0, awx version 12.0.0) to add and remove instances automatically in the first case (adding an instance) the command works just fine: awx-manage ...
Abderrahmane's user avatar

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