Questions tagged [arduino]

IMPORTANT! ALL ARDUINO QUESTIONS MUST BE PROGRAMMING RELATED Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Questions should relate to programming Arduinos only (as in questions about the Language Arduino). General Arduino questions may be asked on or

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How to distinguish between a bottle and a wall with an Ultrasonic Sesnor

I am currently working on project where I scan a 10x10m space with a robot. I would like to be able to target an object, i.e a bottle and knock it over. I have a hc-sr04 mounted on a servo which takes ...
PythonBeginner7493's user avatar
-5 votes
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Arduino Uno project`s Python compatibility issue [closed]

I am facing a similar issue, as I am trying to do a project with Arduino Uno, which is a motion detection system which as soon as the motion is detected, it will automatically take the image of the ...
Danish Zubair's user avatar
-2 votes
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Arduino Mega failed to program

I am trying to program a 8-bit register using arduino mega, but when I send my program to the arduino I get this error. I checked my code, but I don't see anything that could cause the error. code: //...
vc merlin's user avatar
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controlling solid state relay by rotary encoder error

i making this project for my school, I'm making a whole fridge using Arduino, I used a ds18b20 temperature sensor, tm1637 to display he current temperature inside and a solid state relay to start the ...
youssef samy's user avatar
-1 votes
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Conversion error from a header file to a header file

Compilation error: invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char' [-fpermissive]. This is the error that I received. I don't understand why the pointer is there. #include <ArduinoIoTCloud.h> #...
Tali Mosley's user avatar
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Seeed Studio Xiao ESP32S3 deep sleep, disabling pins

I have some code that takes some sensor readings and sends the data via loRaWAN to be able to view the data via the internet. I have chosen the ESP32 due to the fast development that can be done via ...
Dhyan Shyam's user avatar
-1 votes
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Ardiuno Bluetooth connection from Node.js

I have a HC05 module connected to arduino UNOr3, and a basic bluetooth-serial-port nodejs library to send a single line of data so I can make sure it works. Although, my bluetooth module is connected ...
Overdrive's user avatar
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Matlab/Arduino: Unsuccessful read: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached

i get the following error, when i'm running my code: Warning: Unsuccessful read: A timeout occurred before the Terminator was reached. 'serial' unable to read any data. For more information on ...
Noah Wambsganß's user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

Variable not recognized in Arduino IDE [closed]

I get expected initializer before 'myString' even I defined it in setup void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: String myString } void loop() myString = "Hello" ...
PeterEff's user avatar
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2 answers

ESP32 as Wifi repeater/extender

In trying to make a wifi repeater/extender using the esp32 board I tried the same with esp8266 and it worked quite well but I'm having problems to understand the same with esp32 I found the esp8266 ...
someone idk's user avatar
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module 'serial' has no attribute 'Serial'

So i am trying to connect thearduino outputs to a pycharm project and it shows me this: File "C:\Users\fiade\PycharmProjects\pythonProject1\", line 8, in <module> ser = ...
Fiadel Veis's user avatar
-1 votes
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Com permission denied

System wide configuration file is "C:\Users\Garvitt\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\arduino\tools\avrdude\6.3.0-arduino17/etc/avrdude.conf" Using Port : COM6 ...
Garvitt Sharma's user avatar
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Arduino ESP8266(NodeMCU) how can get API JSON data over 200KBs?

I'm going to try to get API JSON data from URL. My board is ESP8266 NodeMCU. That has RAM about 160KBs but actually I can use only 96Kb or less maybe, but API data is 200,000Kb, it's too much but I ...
user23152958's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to scan a text and make it into a text-to speech using arduino [closed]

I'm a senior in high school. I'm thinking of making a project that involves a camera module scanning a text and making a text-to-speech output afterwards. Is there anyway to do it? A response would be ...
Klee Main's user avatar
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Alarm System using Arduino Uno in TinkerCad

I've been having some struggles with the code part for an alarm system using Arduino Uno in TinkerCad. It's the first time using this programming language, so I'm still getting the hang of it. In this ...
Matheus Mendonca's user avatar
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How to Access RTSP URL of a V380Pro Camera Using Python or Java [closed]

I am trying to connect a V380Pro camera to my network and access its RTSP stream through Python or Java. The camera works with the V380Pro app, but I can't find the RTSP URL or connect it ...
Malik Zohaib Mustafa's user avatar
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I am tring to test my firebase database by sending a random integer and float using esp32 but getting error [closed]

When i verify the code i get no error but when i run the code i get the following message on the serial monitor : FAILED REASON: token is not ready (revoked or expired) I have entererd correct project ...
Haseeb's user avatar
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RFID RC522 module is not communicating with Arduino uno [closed]

so i am working on an rfid based attendance system but before that i wanted to check my rfid rc522... i installed mfrc522 library and used dumpinfo example code.... i get this output on serial monitor....
Areesha Faisal's user avatar
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Control servos via Bluetooth module (Arduino) [closed]

I recently tried to control a small robot arm with an Arduino Uno. I tried to read the commands for the control via a Bluetooth module (HC 06). I encountered some difficulties. I have now found a way ...
user24300315's user avatar
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HC-05 module with flutter gives PlatformException(connect_error, read failed, socket might closed or timeout, read ret: -1)

I'm using flutter for my mobile application. I want to connect my mobile app with Arduino using HC-05 module. My flutter code (a small piece of code out of a big code): class HomeLayout extends ...
Hello World's user avatar
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I want to log messages and delay each one, but not slow down the main processing... C++ [closed]

Sort of new to C++ and I'm wondering how I blink a light or slow down incoming data for printing (basically create a processing delay) without affecting the main function processing. Do I need to ...
frankie's user avatar
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C++ trying to fix an if statement loop inside my void loop [closed]

I'm trying to solve a problem inside a void loop. I'm currently working on an Arduino for a project of mine, which simulates a fault and shows an outage and power restoration. But, between each ...
Braxton's user avatar
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Efficient persistent log using a file [closed]

I have to cache data in case network connection is not available, and to save the cache (to a file?) in case of power outage. Using Arduino IDE C for rp pico. I was planning to use a file, but maybe ...
FuCo's user avatar
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Serial Communication Conflicts with Motor Control [closed]

I'm having trouble with my Arduino! My DC motor with L298N driver works perfectly when I run the code without serial communication. However, the moment I add the serial communication code, the motor ...
Dansk's user avatar
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My arduino autonomous robot in arduino isnt working.How can i solve this? [closed]

So im working on a project where we have to build a autonomous robot.The issue im facing is that my left motor doesn't work and my servo only moves 90 degrees instead of 180. #include <Servo.h> #...
rervi's user avatar
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Can't find the port [closed]

I'm in stuck using both Arduino IDE and STM Cube Programmer. I'm using Ubuntu 20.04, and for the both type of microcontrollers (Arduino and STM), I can't connect to them. It seems that the IDE didn't ...
Ciao's user avatar
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automatic Baby Swing iot based model [closed]

Arduino Uno code for automatic Baby Swing iot based model project We have tried to put feature of sound sensor and water sensor that when the baby cries the swing swings with help of servo motor and ...
Pranjal Mohite's user avatar
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C++ arduino problem, erasing PIN with * covering it

I am trying to delete the PIN that the user is dealing with a keypad. The PIN is show on a LCD 16x2. When I press A now there is only the * deleted but the number is visible. I want to delete number ...
David Flores Gonzalez's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I use enums as arguments to functions that take non-enum references as arguments?

I have one library for interface with I2C devices (read/write) and a another that acts as a driver for a specific I2C device. I'm trying to do two somewhat independent things here: Format my I2C read/...
Brendan's user avatar
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How do I decode the LoRaWAN payload in AWS IoT Core sent by RadioLib?

I am sending a 3-byte payload from LoRa ESP32 using Arduino to program the MCU. I am successfully connecting to AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN and publishing my uplink payloads to a topic. However, when I ...
Nick Volgas's user avatar
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P5.js and mapping Arduino Button

I am new here! I have a school project that I am working on. I am trying to make a etch-a-sketch using an Arduino Uno, Arduino IDE, and p5.js. On the Arduino I have two potentiometers and a button. ...
K-PopCorn's user avatar
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I want that when I manually change the month of my laptop, the reading of nodemcu would be back to zer0. I built a web app using nodemcu and water sen

I'm building a web application for our thesis. My problem is that when I manually change the date or the month of my laptop, the reading won't back to zero. The panels suggest that every month, the ...
ludz's user avatar
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ZSH script not using exported environment variable

I'm trying to make an alias to quickly compile and upload Arduino sketches. I started by adding the location and fqbn of my arduino as shell variables, but that slowed down each shell start up, so I ...
Dot Rose's user avatar
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cannot convert 'function' object to bytearray [closed]

I am trying to create a lcd display that displays the song and artist from spotify through an Arduino Uno R3. Using SwSpotify library in python, I thought it would be best to use "spotify.current&...
mva's user avatar
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Firebase external access [closed]

Our team currently has a database that can exchange results between the firebase realtime database and Arduino, and another firestore database that can exchange results with the React app. At this ...
YS O's user avatar
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RadioHead Mesh network code not functioning with ESP32-S3 with RF95 radio

I've been trying to debug my LoRa mesh network code, but I am not receiving any of the packets in the serial output for either my node or bridge. I am try to replicate the code here: https://www....
Jaden Ellington's user avatar
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Arduino: Refreshing data while using HTML buttons on website

I am working on making a pool controller for one of my classes right now. I have an Arduino Uno with the official arduino ethernet shield attached to it. I have several temperature sensors and relays ...
obamaBeGolfing's user avatar
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I am creating a CAN broadcasting device using an Arduino and SEED CAN Bus Shield [closed]

I am trying to replicate vehicle CAN messages on J1939 to simulate being connected to a vehicle CAN network. I am using an Arduino and Seed CAN bus shield, I have a large list of messages and I will ...
user24108332's user avatar
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"IPADDR_NONE" error when uploading code to ESP32

I am running into the following error when uploading code to ESP32 through Arduino IDE In file included from C:\Users\k22\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.11/tools/sdk/esp32/...
Kassa Suhar's user avatar
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Preprocessor directives appear within HTML embedded in a raw string literal

Following problem: I am creating a webinterface for an ESP8266. The Webinterface should make HTTP Requests to the ESP that then executes Code. My Problem is that i get weird preprocessor information ...
Lipe's user avatar
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Arduino UNO R3 API millis() returns garbage

Could you help with the following strange behavior, please? I wrote test code for flashing LED by using millis() API. The following sketch works perfectly if the Arduino UNO R3 works without USB being ...
Mykola Chornyi's user avatar
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Unable Initialize I2C Pins on Pico RP2040 for AS5601 Library using Earlphilhower's Arduino-Pico

I am using Earlphilhower's Arduino-Pico, and this AS5601 library for testing my AS5601 breakout board. Below is the sample code I am running: #include "Arduino.h" #include "AS5601.h&...
Ashfaque Ahmed Khan's user avatar
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Why does the LED instantly turn off instead of fading out slowly?

I made an auto door using Arduino. The process is like this: 1.The door is closed. 2.I place my hand in front of the sensor. The door opens and the LED glows at full brightness (this happen at the ...
Rexen Alexander's user avatar
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esp32 wroom da module motor control on platformIO [closed]

i wanted to build regular motor control using robojax but platformio doesnt have the library and i tried other libraries but didnt work can anyone help me find a working library for esp32 wroom da ...
user24091064's user avatar
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Problem getting ESP01 to MySQL with AT commands

My setup consists of an arduino MEGA, an ESP8266-01 wifi module and an mq4 sensor whose values I want to store in a database, I have set up MySQL and can send values via apache like
kml's user avatar
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Serial port from Arduino to PC noise

I am trying to connect a on-off switch to an Arduino board, then connect the Arduino board to my PC through the serial port with the baud rate of 9600. The idea is that when the switch is off, a ...
Arma Yari's user avatar
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Arduino nano ep32 compatibilty ble libraries [closed]

I did not find yet an official comunication that Arduino BLE librries are compatible with Arduino nano esp32 I worked on it using Plaformio and is not compatible. Where i can obtain official ...
Vgar 82's user avatar
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Arduino Uno wifi rev2 connection with python wirelessly

I want to use an Arduino uno wifi rev2 in order to control the servos of a 10-DOF bipedal robot. The only way I found for controlling the arduino wirelessly with python is with the socket library by ...
Bill Kalaitzo's user avatar
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Tcp/ip java (server) y sp32 (client)

im trying to do a simple aplication of tcp/ip that Turn an LED on and off. The client dont conect to the server tcp and and i don't know what to do anymore. If someone can help me I would be very ...
Alvaro.J's user avatar
-3 votes
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Arduino code problem (multiple led lights) [closed]

Help me with this arduino code please. I want to add a so called party mode which turns on and off 8 lights ( 2 blue, 2 yellow, 2 red and 2 white) in short intervals when a button is pressed. Declare ...
Ramiz Mahmutovic's user avatar

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